Unable to read PM's



Well-known member
May 26, 2009
For the last two days every time I try to read my PM's a white screen comes up and says "503 service unavailable" "the service is busy try again later".

What's up? is it on my end although I've done, or changed, nothing on the computer or is it on your end? I can post, UL pictures, and read any material on the site but just can't read my PM's. Thanks.
That matter has been vexing the site for a while, but the solution is being very stubborn in making itself known.

In the meantime, there are suggestions in the thread below entitled "PMs."

Here is a link to a workaround that may help:

Possible Workaround
I found a way around the problem. Instead of trying to view new PM's by clicking the "Inbox" in the "User Menu" box in the right side of the screen I just went down to the bottom of the page where it says "previous" or "next". I just clicked "next" and my oldest unread message appeared. Then I just kept clicking "next" until all had opened and been read. Obviously I never saw those options before but glad I happened to scroll down on the one message that had stayed on my screen.
While I have not had a problem opening mail, I do have (1) message in my inbox that doesn't really exist.
I went to delete a message and the message was deleted, but the count never reset to 0.