TyzFlyz Hackle Tweezers



Jan 25, 2007
All I can say is WOW! I've never used a better set of hackle pliers in my life. No slippage at all, very strong and a pleasure to work with. Highly recommended and well worth 10 bucks.:)


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Those were the hot ticket last year at the Lancaster show.
had one given to me to try by owner, didn't think much for the price. can be made for 2.00 worth of material. made from hobby shop materials. spring steel and brass tubing. was ok when I tried it. Prefer a good pair of rotary pliers.
What really makes these things grip is the rubber lining at the tip of the tube.

You'll break whatever stem you're holding before it slips.

These ARE the best hackle pliers I've ever used, but there are times when a good rotary pair are handier.....
I was looking at those at Bass Pro yesterday. They had them priced at $14, which seemed high to me, so I put it back... it did seem nice though.
i have one of those but i dont use it much. guess i wasnt impressed by it
They work well unless you pull too hard. I'm good at breaking off the end of the hackle.
I think these are great as well!