Tying vise recommendations

Have you any experience at tying? I would make sure you like tying before commiting to an expensive purchase..Some guys go in to tying with the best intentions, only to find out they don't enjoy it, or haven't enough time for it..

Once you determine that, indeed, you are a tyer..And that you enjoy all aspects of tying; even the ones that don't require a vise, like procuring materails, learning different applications of materails, different flys, and so on...At that point my long winded advice would be to buy the best vise you can afford..I prefer doing something once, rather then muddling around with it...Get

Ask your self a couple questions first:

Will you ever get into salt water fly tying?

Do you travel a lot?

Would you prefer a clap station or pedistal base?

I like Renzetti products...And you will never find more thorough customer service attention...
I would look for a used Renzetti Traveler. That was my first vise, and I still use it often. As you get into it (as most do), spring for a vise like the Griffin Montana Mongoose. I don't think there's a better vise out there.
A lot of good advice here.
I just picked up a cabelas kit with the master vise--I see lots of guys like the AA. Is that the same as the cabelas AA, and if so, anyone know if it's better than the master? I wanted to get the different jaws, but I still have time to cancel the order!
I'll be honest with you, I started with that same kit and was less than enthused by it.

I think the AA vise is nicer than the master vise. It doesn't seem as clunky, and after I changed out the jaws on the master vise, I never went back to change them again. I'm not a believer that changable jaws is a feature your average tyer will need to worry about.

That kit I bought also came with a bobbin so bad I sliced the 140 denier thread every time I used it. Others don't seem to have it that bad, but if I hadn't been taught by someone that wasn't right, I'd have long ago given up tying.

But, on the other hand, the vise worked good enough to conform to the advise of several in this thread to start out cheap. It'll let you decide if you want to keep investing into it or not.