Tying flies on a plane

  • Thread starter StudentofTheStream
  • Start date


Jul 26, 2007
So I leave tomorrow morning for a week long trout extravaganza in Montana and Wyoming. I usually don't do much on the plane ride aside from peruse the magazines and attempt to sleep which usually doesn't work.

Being that I'm the sole fly tyer in the group of 5 we have going I was wondering what the probability was I could take my tying supplies with me and tie on the plane? Anyone ever tried this?

I'm not sure how they feel about hooks on a plane but more so how they feel about scissors, albeit small ones.

I'd rather not have to send my tying materials back home to myself through the mail because I tried to get them onto the plane in my carry on luggage.

Any thoughts?
Not gonna happen. For the sakes of the others around you, wait til you land. It's a #OOPS# trying to vacuum fibers and feather out of the carpet, I'm sure your flight attendant would be happy. Besides, chances are slim to none that you get all your supplies past TSA.

Why can't you just check your tying supplies. Personally, when I travel with gear, I send it ahead of time, FedEx, insured out the ***. It's the only way to go. No need worrying about baggage check fees, lost luggage, and other malfeasance that are associated with air travel.
StudentofTheStream wrote:
Any thoughts?

Dream on.

Unless you're flying privately, this isn't gonna happen. You can't even take a fingernail clippers onboard a plane anymore.

Put it in checked, and wish it well. I wouldn't even bother with whatever they call it where you wlak it up and hand it to the baggage guy at the end. Its not going past the guy with the Xray scanner. You should be happy your assault reel with 150 yards of garrote string is gonna get by, much less something pointy.


Much of that bag is tying supplies. What isn't is probably boots.
In 2006 I flew to Florida. I flew out of Binghamton NY. I checked all the TSA regs (and printed out a copy of them to have on me). The regs (at that time) said I could have a pair of scissors with the blade less than 2". I had a 1" pair of midge scissors. I took my travel vise and a few materials on the plane. (wooly bugger materials) I tied to my hearts consent. One of the stewards stopped me and asked how I got scissors on the plane. I showed him the TSA regs and stated that the TSA folks let me through with them. He about flipped on me asking why I would do such a thing. When the plane landed a DHS security agent stopped me in the tunnel and asked me, "Do you have any questions about what you can and cannot take on a plane?" Very smart-assedly, I retorted, "Why no, in fact I have a copy of the TSA regs with me. I showed him the reg line which stated I COULD have up to 2" scissors with me. He promptly left me alone. All you have to do is show the "powers that be" that you do in fact KNOW the regs and are following them. Screw 'em.
Might all depend on who you meet at the check point.

If you want to use finger nail clippers (ones with out the nail file) instead of scissors you can get some else to cut thread on board. You are allowed to take a shaver on board as I did on my last trip west this year so you have may options there. Taking a full sized vise and a pile of wire and beads might raise a few eye brows and a lengthy chat with the TSA guys.

Personally, I would just tie a pile now and not have to worry about the what if. Buy some DVDs or fill an ipod with pod casts from orvis to fill your time on the plane.
Well most of my sentiments were reflected here. I'm not worried about those around me as they'll be the 4 other buddies who are going out with me.

I also didn't plan on making a mess with feathers and such. I just wanted to whip up some foam bodied hoppers, ants and crickets so minimal mess there. I figured the scissors and hooks would be the biggest issue.

Biggest reason I asked is, if I had to prepare flies just for myself I'd be fine but it's having enough for the other guys and lack of time that really prompted the question.

I doubt I'll chance it through security but I figured it was worth the asking.
StudentofTheStream wrote:
Biggest reason I asked is, if I had to prepare flies just for myself I'd be fine but it's having enough for the other guys and lack of time that really prompted the question.

Other guys' wallets should become aquianted with local fly shops.
Got to agree with Gfen-eek
Unless you are concentrating on The Henrys Fork or spring creek fishing you shouldn't need that many flies.Stop at the local shop and get three of the hot fly.
I've tied for many years and have never tried to tie on an airplane, even before 911. I would advise against it - likely to result in a lot of headaches and possible conviscation of your tools and supplies.
Beware of reading the TSA regs and thinking they matter. It's at the discretion of the individual agent, and if they have a problem with it, they WILL see to it that you don't get them on the plane.

Arguing only results in them fining or arresting you.

There is absolutely zero justice in the airport, and the TSA is the joke of all jokes.
jayL wrote:
Beware of reading the TSA regs and thinking they matter. It's at the discretion of the individual agent, and if they have a problem with it, they WILL see to it that you don't get them on the plane.

Was trying to think of a way to put that sentiment down, and you managed to nail it.

You might be right as can be while waving your paper around, but it only takes 30 minutes of Q and A for you to be sitting on the tarmac while your 727 heads skyward and you don't.

jayL wrote:
Beware of reading the TSA regs and thinking they matter. It's at the discretion of the individual agent, and if they have a problem with it, they WILL see to it that you don't get them on the plane.

Arguing only results in them fining or arresting you.

There is absolutely zero justice in the airport, and the TSA is the joke of all jokes.

I agree with Jay. It's not worth the risk if they seize all your tying equipment and then you're just plain old screwed. Either tie as many as you can now, have your friends buy on the fly stop, or pack it all up and tie every night as you're there. Or a combination of all 3. I can barely break even in tying myself compared to the fly stop's prices. That would be my recommendation. (and I'm also tying flies for friends for the Salmon river in a few months)
jayL wrote:
There is absolutely zero justice in the airport, and the TSA is the joke of all jokes.

The TSA is no joke. Can/Will they stop every threat? Probably not. The TSA gets a bad rap all the time. My personal experiance with the TSA is for every one rude/idiot agent there are hundreds of friendly, profesional, and curtiouse agents. If you follow the rules there are no problems, if you push the bondries there could be problems. The TSA has a job to do and for the people that have a problem with them doing that job, find another way of traveling. I personally am glad they are there, and I feel safe while flying.

Good luck, Tony
Tony300wby wrote:
jayL wrote:
There is absolutely zero justice in the airport, and the TSA is the joke of all jokes.

The TSA is no joke. Can/Will they stop every threat? Probably not. The TSA gets a bad rap all the time. My personal experiance with the TSA is for every one rude/idiot agent there are hundreds of friendly, profesional, and curtiouse agents. If you follow the rules there are no problems, if you push the bondries there could be problems. The TSA has a job to do and for the people that have a problem with them doing that job, find another way of traveling. I personally am glad they are there, and I feel safe while flying.

Good luck, Tony

We'll have to agree to disagree. IMO, it's a clear liberty for the illusion of safety tradeoff, and it's despicable.
I dont have a horse in this race but I dont envy any TSA agent. We had planes hijacked with small boxcutters,they arent allowed to have discretion and I get why that is in a post 911 world.
What "liberty" is being traded exactly? In the past week my travels have taken me through six airports (ABE 2x, Chicago 2x, Omaha 2x) and over the last few years alot of other airports. In all of my travels at no time have my liberties been compromised. Sure I have had to remove my shoes and empty my pockets, walk through a metal detector. A few times I have been pulled aside and "swabbed". My checked bag is usually searched by TSA because of the tools that I am carrying, they always leave a note inside explaining the reason it was inspected. I am sure the aclu can find fault with some of these things, personally I dont. This is all part of air travel. Just like walking through a metal detector at the courthouse or having your bags checked at a sporting event. Heck, I have been frisked going into concerts already.

In all of my travels I have yet to witness a TSA agent harass a passenger. I have seen passengers approach the TSA check point with a attitude, they question why they have to go through such procedures and complain the entire time. Guess what, I have yet to see anyone get out of going through the check point because of the complaining. These people just make idiots of themselves in front of the TSA agents and all the people waiting in the line that they are holding up.

How is being checked for weapons and explosives a "illusion of safety"? Are they not really checking, just pretending to check? Would it be as safe to fly if they didnt check at all? Personally I feel confident that the other passengers on the plane have been checked and have no weapons on board. If there were no check points I dont think I would feel the same.

It is a shame that we do have to be checked at airports and alot of other places that we go to daily, but this is a product of the messed up people in this world that we have to live with. I dont think slamming a agency like the TSA and its procedures is going to help. The procedures were put in to place to protect us. If you dont like them or agree that is fine, dont fly. Personally, I am glad they are there.

Good luck, Tony
