tying desk

boychick wrote:
I have to clean up when done tying because my tying desk doubles as my home work desk. Sadly, I use it more for homework than tying these days. Damn the man!

Look at it this way, more homework now leads to more time tying in the future because you'll only be working 1 job instead of the two some who don't study will need to make ends meet!
Mr. OCD's Bench


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Here is a link to a past thread showing members tying arrangements.


I've got a ye ole cherry sewing machine desk I plan to convert when time allows. As an ex cabinet maker it's gonna be the shizzle.
My desk if you brush away the fly materials and clippings empty spools youd see a cherry vineried flake board desk. I have a mess and it will always be a mess.

I know what you say is true, knowing that school will make life better in the long run is why I keep paying for this punishment (tuition is not cheap). I just wish I got to fish and tie more than I get to do now.
I usually wait untill I can't find something I'm looking for then straighten up. Every month or so it gets the big clean up. I don't mind it messy bbut like it better cleaned up. If that makes sense to anyone...
I hate when I go to tie and clean my desk and find one or two usable pieces of a few different materials...hackle tips, rubber legs, a marabou plume, and get distracted from tying what I went in to tie and try to "use up" the scraps I left behind last time. Frustrating!

Pack rat fly tying. I cannot throw anything away if it is usable.
Lol hey thanks guys. All these pictures of tying desks inspired me to finally organize my desk. Bought a bunch of drawers, looks beautiful. Can't wait to tie. Only problem is now my fiancée knows how much stuff I have! No more hiding it in boxes under the desk! Oh well she was bound to ask where all my money went sooner than later.
The key to hiding new purchaces is having lots of plastic containers that hold lots of smaller packs of materials, the wives don't know what their looking at anyway. Kinda like hiding in plain site if you know what I mean. You gotta keep a stash of cash and make all purchaces with it. ;-) If she catches you, you did'nt hear it from me. :roll:
i have a mess most of the time i clean it when i get sick of looking at it or the cats get in it and that makes a real mess ... .

edit :
those of you who are looking for a tying station im pretty sure it's jdaddy that makes them i heard they are really nice
even clean mine does not look that good...
Foxgap---I cleaned today;


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Here is my area. I try to keep it clean, but it has been much messier as of late.



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My tying desk has been taken away from me. Man cave gone, now a nursery. :(

It's now in the unheated, unfinished basement, essentially in storage. On the bright side, I still have a computer desk. Just got a new laptop, and when file transfer is complete, it will enable me to completely clear the desk that now holds the desktop. Most of my tying materials will likey still reside in the basement, they won't be allowed to clutter up the desk. But I'll be able to use the space for tying.

So, the situation will be: Stuff in storage containers on shelves in basement. Empty desk upstairs. Get things out as needed, put away afterwards.
sandfly wrote:
Foxgap---I cleaned today;

Damn Bob, there is desk under that stuff! :-D
I SOOO feel your pain...I have a couple of tackle boxed among the Thomas the Train stuff...
pcray1231 wrote:
My tying desk has been taken away from me. Man cave gone, now a nursery. :(

It's now in the unheated, unfinished basement, essentially in storage. On the bright side, I still have a computer desk. Just got a new laptop, and when file transfer is complete, it will enable me to completely clear the desk that now holds the desktop. Most of my tying materials will likey still reside in the basement, they won't be allowed to clutter up the desk. But I'll be able to use the space for tying.

So, the situation will be: Stuff in storage containers on shelves in basement. Empty desk upstairs. Get things out as needed, put away afterwards.
I took over my kitchen, but am quickly surpassing my alloted space. I have been looking for a roll top desk for cheap. Looking to move everything to a spare bedroom.
I would have to stitch together 3 pictures to display my mess. When I sit down to tie, I can reach most of my stuff by spinning on the chair. Getting in and out of the chair is like getting into a **** pit. Once in the seat I know where everything is.
I tie in controlled chaos. :)
My fly tying desk: organized chaos.

Yup, thats me, also the same can be said about my flyboxes!!!!!

My designated area is the workbench in the unfinished portion of the basement. I don't have a desk or table, but on the workbench, I have a computer monitor stand that was designed to sit atop a laptop with docking station, so it's fairly mobile and I can essentially take it upstairs to sit at the kitchen breakfast bar when I want to be sociable with the family. Of course, the rule is I have to take it back downstairs when I'm done and sweep up around the breakfast bar... the baby was apparently walking around with elk hair stuck in his own hair yesterday after I did a less-than-stellar cleaning in the kitch, so I might be stuck downstairs for a while again...