tying desk



Jul 21, 2009
Does anyone else have a messy tying area? I clean up once a week and by that point I have all the stuff I've been using plus scraps in a nice semi circle from the edge of my desk and around my vise. The only time I have trouble finding anything is AFTER I clean up.
Sorry, I'm on the other end of the spectrum. I keep a dust buster hooked right along the desk and suck up all the little stuff every time I'm done. This keeps peace in the house. My desk is in the house in the living space, not in a basement or spare room etc.
I start with a nice clean area, then as I tie and switch between patterns the area gets more and more cluttered. I clean up when I run out of tying space.
Yikes.....................I'm Mr. OCD, I clean up after every fly. No wonder it takes me so long to tie a dozen!
My fly tying desk: organized chaos.
My tying area can get messy while I am tying but I clean up after every session and put everything back in it's place.
i have an table shaped like an octagon (ok its really an actually octagon) at that table half is taken up with storage bins the other four sides have a vice station at each edge with a light in the middle of the table that can reach all four. normally if i plan to tie a bunch of different patterns i start at the far left vice tie till that area is to messy move to the next vice tie till thats messy move move again then when im out of vices i clean the entire thing . now if i want to do fine work i go to my main vice(main vice is last to be used in rotation ) and after im done clean the area or if im doing streamers i go to my worst vice and then clean up
I'm the same as you fix gap. I have stuff in little baggies and after every fly clean up. My friends come over and just mess up my little setup. Drives me nuts although I never say anything.
Great topic,
I am Mr. organized and Clean Jeans in just about every aspect of my life except the tying desk. I deep clean at critical mass but not before. the problem is I can't tie a dozen of one pattern in three sizes without screaming, so I have multiple patterns going on at the same time. Very messay :)
Crotalus wrote:
I start with a nice clean area, then as I tie and switch between patterns the area gets more and more cluttered. I clean up when I run out of tying space.

Same for me, 'cept I don't start with a clean area;-)

peace-tony c.
My desk would be organized if it didn't double as a work/bill paying desk. I need to relocate and find a cheap desk to put elsewhere in the house to minimize clutter
As I said in an earlier post, I'm Mr. OCD. Anyway, when we re-did our basement a few years back, I lobbied for a small room built in the corner. I was successful and now have a room with a waste high shelf for tying and a book shelf above with a door which I can close and be by myself. I wouldn't call it my "man cave" but it is all mine! Wife only goes in there at Christmas time to use it as her hiding place for presents!
My desk is a small portable legless table which is stored in a closet. I bring it out to tie and it sits on my lap while I tie, usually on the coach in front of the TV. Being out of site most of the time, I tend to let clutter pile up and eventually dump it off when it gets too much.

Here's the the Incredible Fly Fishing Weiner Dog getting ready to tie some weiner flies!


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after 2 days of tying----THIS:


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Hell Bob my OCD would cause me to explode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D
been worse !!!!!!! Reason stuff falling on floor is free...
Bob you are truly one of a kind. I've got to get up to meet you someday!
come on up, tomorrow is play in the creek day, going to do a entomology class on the streams..
I have a lap top desk I purchased at the Lancaster show. I get out the materials I need for the pattern I am tying and get in my easy chair and watch the news or a hockey game.
I have to clean up when done tying because my tying desk doubles as my home work desk. Sadly, I use it more for homework than tying these days. Damn the man!