Tying Cockpit

If I were to harvest a wild trout, it would be a brown not a brookie. A 10" brookie has a strong hold on mating in that stream. And I would prefer to leave that fish spawn with multiple females in that stream for the next year at least. I, personally, would like to have his genes go on. If the only large fish in that stream is taken out, it would be a long time before there is another large fish in that stream (until there is an opportunity for my "shaq" theory -- but this for close fishing buddies only or in private conversations)
With reading the above, now wonder why you only see 6 inch fish in those pictures. Is it becasue someone comes in and take teh larger fish every year or two? This is why people are so protective over releasing brookie streams.
I'm not trying to be negative, I'm just trying to let you know how things work here and why people are so protective. If you want to take a couple brookies, go ahead. Afterall, you paid $31 for a liceanse didn't you? We all know that hearvesting fish isn't really a factor in fish populations in wild brook trout streams. The largest predator to a 5" brookies is an 8" brookie.
u r right about the $31. if me and my wife went out and both ordered trout or any fish at that, the bill would be more. thats why i went to culinary school i can make those $100 meals for 20 buck. Plus there is a good cash flow if i cater 10 +/- parties a year. one meal pays for the permit. like i said though "god didn't give me molars to eat fish and vegtables".
Yea who,
To answer your question about ATW, it stands for approved trout waters. It is stocked areas of a stream. These are the only places where you can harvest fish from labor day to feburary 28/29th (only 3 though). Form march 1 to opening day it is unlawful to fish and harvest fish in these areas, unless it is also a special regulation area, i.e. catch and release, delayed harvest; however you can't harvest fish in special reg areas. Other areas like heritage, trophy trout, class a are open to fish year round, but can't harvest fish from labor day to opening day.
yea-who wrote:
like i said though "god didn't give me molars to eat fish and vegtables".

He didn't give you molars to eat red meat either...that's why cows don't have incisors and canines... :lol: :lol:

I'd much rather have a steak then a trout any day...

ATWs= approved trout waters...listed in the book that came with your license.