Tying chairs, stools and seats


Oct 26, 2006
The importance of a good fly tying chair. I've been considering on getting a dental stool. Then move my entire station to the basement, so I can roll around the basement floor. Four legged chairs and carpet grind. With A stool, on coasters, one can wheel right over top the vise. Adding that extra horizonal, dimensional plan, has its advantages...
I use a wheely computer chair. I can roll around my ten square foot office room like a champ. If only I didn't live in a space no bigger than most refrigerator boxes, I'd be super mobile. It's real comfortable too. $100 at best buy. I bought it back in the day when college actually required me to do work, and I also played a crapload of online poker. Luckily, 100lbs lighter and a few more outdoor activities (to go with fishing) and I hardly use it for anything but tying anymore.
I use a folding chair, most of the time with an extra cushion.

I need to get a more comfortable chair, especially one with wheels. Those long nights after 6 hours of tying make my back hurt. I'm sure my poor, huntched-over posture doesn't help much.

JayL, I wish I could bring myself to spend $100 on a chair. I'm way too cheap for that.
If I wasn't majoring in computer science, I wouldn't. I knew I'd have many long hours in front of the screen while doing homework and projects, so it's worth it. For what it's worth, it was a gift. I'd probably just take the laptop to the couch otherwise. It has like three inches of padding on it. It might be more comfortable than my bed.
I'm sure there has been many a' night where you didn't make it to your bed and passed out in the chair/couch. Luck for you they are comfortable.
When passing out enters the equation, I'm comfortable with anything. As long as the shoes are off, nobody can write or draw on me. The first rule of partying.

But yes, that chair does the job well.
What, your not fond of drunken body art. It's like a temporary tattoo, to remind you that your friends would rather draw penises and vulgar words on you, rather that toss you a pillow.
I'm only cool with it as long as a mirror is part of my routine the next morning. On the weekends, especially hangover days, I like to just throw some clothes on and stumble down the street to the store or something like that. It's real possible for an entire morning of errands to happen with a face full of phallic cartoons all over your face.

Ah, college friends. What would I do without them.
jayL wrote:
I'm only cool with it as long as a mirror is part of my routine the next morning. On the weekends, especially hangover days, I like to just throw some clothes on and stumble down the street to the store or something like that. It's real possible for an entire morning of errands to happen with a face full of phallic cartoons all over your face.

Ah, college friends. What would I do without them.

Funny stuff! With friends like that, who needs enemies?!

Does you Best Buy chair have any kind of model numbers on it that would help me identify it if I go down to Best Buy?

I'm looking for a comfortable office chair, and there's a bewildering variety of them and I don't know much about choosing them. If you found one that's real comfortable for $100, I consider that a bargain.

People pay $700 for a fly rod (plastic stick). So $100 for a decent office chair is good value. If you break a fly rod, there are other ones available. You only get one spine, though.

It's down to $75 now. It looks like the exact same model I have, though there might have been a few changes in the last few years. Judging by the price drop, it's probably the same.

You should be able to test a few out if you head down there. They should have one of each assembled and ready to test. Not sure if the sale price is good for the brick and mortar store, or just online... I'd imagine they may match it for you though, even if that's the case.

Were you sitting in you're wheeled office chair when that photo was taken...
jayL wrote:

It's down to $75 now. It looks like the exact same model I have, though there might have been a few changes in the last few years. Judging by the price drop, it's probably the same.

You should be able to test a few out if you head down there. They should have one of each assembled and ready to test. Not sure if the sale price is good for the brick and mortar store, or just online... I'd imagine they may match it for you though, even if that's the case.

Thanks for the info Jay. That looks like a pretty nice chair.

That pic was taken at a picnic table at the Jam, as evidenced by MattBoyer's head in the background, as well as JackSteel's wine. Check the jam photo page to get a bigger version.

No problem man. Let me know what you end up getting.
I generally stand to tie. I have my vise on a drafting table that my work was getting rid of. When i first started using it i bought a cheap wooden stool with no wheels, back or padding. It was a real pain in all senses of the word. I couldnt tie more than one or two flies at a sitting.

My wife found a good deal on a swivel, padded bar stool. so i decided to try it. Unfortunately it was a few inches too tall to work well at the drafting table so i put blocks under the legs to raise the table.

Well that resulted in the vise being at the perfect height for me to stand and tie.

The chair isnt all that comfy or convenient so i do 95% of my tying while standing.

I do have a high end drafting chair in my office that i can sit in for hours without needing to get up, but i just dont have an extra $300+ sitting around to buy myself one for at home 🙁
I've often considered the (Don Rumsfeld) standing up right, tying technique...One year I clamped my travel vise on the opened door of a car; this worked fairly well, I was standing.