Tying a Surgeon's Knot with Help From your Forceps



Jan 28, 2007
In case you are not aware of an easy way of tying a surgeon's knot, using your forceps, I made a video and thought that I would share.

Didn't watch the video, I'm sure it's very informative. However the surgeon knot is the easiest knot in the world to tie, it's literally two overhand knots. Not sure why you'd want to complicate the process by adding forcepts to the equation.

pro-tip: Wet the lines with saliva when tying it so they stick together.
pro-tip: Wet the lines with saliva when tying it so they stick together.

un-pro tip - always wet a knot. if you don't the friction caused by tightening it burns the line and weakens it.....
So you saved 45 seconds by not watching the video??
I just watched it. That's pretty neat Gene.

Useful for gloved hands in winter.

Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Gene. Geebee, I think he was saying wet the leader before you create the loop so they stay together and not separate while passing the tag ends through.
thats a lot of spit
cool idea Gene, thanks. Def agree with GeeBee, I thought of gloves as soon as I watched it.
MD_Gene wrote:
So you saved 45 seconds by not watching the video??

Yes. Why would I watch a 45 second video for a knot that takes 3 seconds to tie? Seems horribly ineffecient.

And to the other poster, you are correct, wet the line before making the loop to make it stick together.
Not everyone has been FF'ing for a long time.
it's just another way to accomplish tying a necessary knot.
Thanks for posting the video.
Nice. After capturing the ends, quick dip in the stream to wet the lines?
JasonS wrote:
MD_Gene wrote:
So you saved 45 seconds by not watching the video??

Yes. Why would I watch a 45 second video for a knot that takes 3 seconds to tie? Seems horribly ineffecient.

And to the other poster, you are correct, wet the line before making the loop to make it stick together.
Jason, why are you so argumentative? You remind me of one of the guys I work with, he would argue with Christ. This fellow just posted something that he thought might help others, nothing more.
wildtrout2 wrote:
JasonS wrote:
MD_Gene wrote:
So you saved 45 seconds by not watching the video??

Yes. Why would I watch a 45 second video for a knot that takes 3 seconds to tie? Seems horribly ineffecient.

And to the other poster, you are correct, wet the line before making the loop to make it stick together.
Jason, why are you so argumentative? You remind me of one of the guys I work with, he would argue with Christ. This fellow just posted something that he thought might help others, nothing more.

Why do you care honestly? He posted something, I made a comment then offered a tip that actually makes tying the knot easier with out introducing unnecessary equipment, imo. What exactly have you added to this thread, other than your typical whining comments? You remind me of a woman I work with, actually no you dont cause not even the women act like you.
Cute guys. Real cute.
Well, I'll tell you what I liked about it Gene. I spend my days tying surgeon knots with hemostats. And while I've done it in the OR and on the creek a zillion times the way you showed, I took for granted that everyone else doesn't do it that way. And then I thought, "Why would they?" It does not go without saying and I thought your simple video was a cool way to help out newbies who might be struggle with this. The commentaries about using it with gloves and cold fingers are great! It's also helpful when you are trying to tie in to that last short section of a hand tied leader if you have broken off several times.

Good show sir. Ignore the negative. They are always out there. Their comments speak only about them, not you or your video.
Hi Jason, I tried to send you an individual message but don't know if I succeeded.
I am always looking for ways to improve my fishing experience (today it took me 10 minutes to tie a dropper on with 6x).
If you could post the fast way you tie the surgeon's knot I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
To be honest with you, I don't like to tie any knots quickly. I like to be sure the wraps are even and uniform and well lubed as stated. If not, they will fail. Spending a few extra seconds on a knot is not really a bad thing.

I had a friend show me a trick to pull the tag ends through the loop with a small knitting needle. He was quick with it, but I never quite got the hang of it. Nail knots are one of the few I use a tool for.