Tying a small olive dun video

Gfen what a surprise you would have a word of negativity! I fall asleep watching any bodies tying videos. Cmon guys, what do want, fireworks and naked girls??? Lmao.
There's just a whole English lesson going on up in here.
Jack can ruffle feathers with the best/worst of them but his point was a good one.
I have tried to wade through some vids but end up skimming.No offense meant.
Thanks Johnny for a reasonable video on a nice fly. The "constructive" criticism you have gotten so far would have been perfect if you posted this to a video production forum. IMO, the edited videos are about as useful as a list of materials.
I appreciate the focus on proper technique, and you can really only learn technique through practice, and sitting down and watching someone with good technique tie in real time. There is a fly tying continuum from "catching fishermen" to "catching fish" to "that'll still catch fish." Building a solid set of fundamental skills will land a tyer in the "catching fish" category. Without solid fundamentals, the flies will "still catch fish", but in the words of Charlie Craven. "so will worms."
On the fly itself, the use of snowshoe underfur for dubbing is new to me. It looks like it dubbed easily and, if it is water resistant, should be a great choice. I hate using synthetics on drys and rabbit dubbing gets water logged pretty quickly. Looking forward to trying that soon.
Wow, i don't check this forum very often, but was bored so I checked it out. Imagine my surprise to find an argument.

Utah, I watched part of your video. There is a lot of useful info in there especially for a beginning tyer (tier). I'm sure that is your intended audience so nice job. But since i am not a beginning tyer/tier I didn't watch the whole thing.

Jack, I found your video to be more entertaining even though the end product kinda sucked. ;-) Maybe it was the music.

OK, it didn't suck, it is just a simple pattern which i like. Watch your back.:p (reference to a different thread)

Peace on both of you.

Quick question for you. Do you find the flies that you are doing match up hatches that are common in Utah or are they general purpose flies for most of the US?
Nymph-O-Maniac wrote:

Quick question for you. Do you find the flies that you are doing match up hatches that are common in Utah or are they general purpose flies for most of the US?

I dont know much about the state of Utah. (other than its got great winter trico hatches) Its just my name, not where im from.

The flies i tie will work pretty much anywhere as most are general purpose patterns. I have great luck with this particular one in the riffle on limestone and freestone streams in Pa, Nj, And Ny.
Johnny Utah = Point Break?
JohnnyUtah wrote:
Boy I see you like pissing matches as well. Well you can **** on yourself cause I'm done. You can act like a jerk with someone else.

God, I hope this is the comment that gets you banned....
OH my bad Johnny. I thought because of your blogspot link that you fished Utah. My bad
Nymph-O-Maniac wrote:
OH my bad Johnny. I thought because of your blogspot link that you fished Utah. My bad

No problem, I get it quite often.

Dry fly hook
Thread- Uni 8/0 light olive
Tail- cdl medium pardo
wings- folded mallard quill
body- Olive snowshoe rabbit
Hackle- dun dry fly hackle.
Who needs to pay $200+ for cable when you have a thread like this?

As a new tier/tyer, I like and appreciate your videos Johnny, but I agree with the suggestion regarding the editing process.

Also, anything that sparks Gfen to break out an English lesson, I'm all for. ;)
zenherper wrote:
Who needs to pay $200+ for cable when you have a thread like this? )

I'm thinking the same after looking at all his videos the past few weeks. Who need primetime TV shows? Thank you! Mr. U
lol thank you guys. Ill keep them coming.