Tying a small olive dun video



Aug 26, 2011
Here's an olive dun fly i tie and use. It floats great without floatant.


I will have to watch that, when I have 13 minutes to waste.
simple and looks good...i'll have to give this a try. thanks for the video.
Nice video, I think you should do your next video on how to tie a salmon fly.
Becker you waste plenty of time on here, you should have plenty of time to watch it. haha Plus you can skip the last 3 or 4 minutes, its just me blabbering about fishing it.

Thank you Jay.

Thank you taco, I dont really tie many salmon flies. They are way to time consuming, but i do tie a few. Heres a pic of one and it works rather well, I call it my Spectra Debora. (rainbow devil). Nothing fancy i know but it works. I cant really call it a true Atlantic salmon fly seeing it missing several aspects such as a tail. Some times I do jungle #OOPS# for cheeks. I cant really do a video of any one i tie. They just take to long. Perhaps in time when i am allowed more video time i will make a few.

Correct, but I really only enjoy watching tying videos when I am about to tie. Instead, I am going to finish working on my rental Uhhggggg
I hear you on that one. If i watch a couple tying videos, i just gotta tie.
I find that watching someone else tie a fly in real time is about as boring as tying itself and I'd rather end up with a fly. If I were making tying videos, I would film the tie in real time and then edit the video with voice overlay. The most complicated fly tying could be presented in a video of about three minutes. When you edit, you can cut out false starts, errors and searching for words to teach with. Do the voice-over when all editing is done and be direct in what you want to teach.

bravo Jack-I am with you there and casting vids.
I don't have that kind of time. I just make videos when I sit down to tie flies. It takes a couple of extra minutes to explain and it takes about 5 mins to edit.

Now tight line productions does it the way you suggest and I know it takes him many hours to put it together.
I'm a poor tyer, Johnny, but even this is more interesting IMO:

Perhaps thats why your a "poor tier". imo
You mean "you're," right? Anyhow, are you saying I am a poor tyer because I listen to Bob Dylan Bootlegs while I tie?
now boys-
[ducking for cover].
You mean tier. I never said you were a poor tier. You said that. Thus why I quoted you. I didn't watch the video you posted under my thread, instead of starting your own thread. I don't care if you like my videos. No one said you had to watch. You obviously don't care for fly tying that much seeing you said it was boring. Your entitled to your opinion just as much as anyone. Imo
I did not know this was YOUR thread. Pardon my comments.

Definition of TIER
a: a row, rank, or layer of articles; especially: one of two or more rows, levels, or ranks arranged one above another b: a group of political or geographic divisions that form a row across the map

: class, category


Definition of TIER
: one that ties

Variants of TIER
ti·er or ty·er

Definition of TYER
variant of tier
Boy I see you like pissing matches as well. Well you can **** on yourself cause I'm done. You can act like a jerk with someone else.
is coming onto the fly tying forum here and telling a guy who just posted a video to help others that they are boring rude ? Afish posted a warning about rude comments i thought , by the way who polices the mods arround here ? Nobody ? HHHHMMMM !!!!
You know what they say - when you hang out at the zoo all the time its hard not to act like one of the animals .....your excused Jack now carry on !
troutslammer wrote:
is coming onto the fly tying forum here and telling a guy who just posted a video to help others that they are boring rude

no. its constuctive criticism. its also true. retorting that one's inability to sit through must be why one's an unacceptable tyer may be rude.

i'm pretty sure jack is a poor tyer because of equalibrium,

there's two misspelt words up there if anyone needs to be pedantic.
