Two pic trip report..



Active member
Jun 9, 2010
Penn's Creek, 6/3/17

End of day fly patch:

Managed to fool a few, beautiful fish in this stream:
The minimalist approach to a stream report that answers a ton of questions about a not so minimalist day on the water.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
The minimalist approach to a stream report that answers a ton of questions...
They are both nice pics, but I don't see how they achieve that? lol
What were you fishing with?
What did you catch?
Was it wild or stocked?

At least these three questions were answered.
JackM wrote:
What were you fishing with?
What did you catch?
Was it wild or stocked?

At least these three questions were answered.
A wild trout on a fly doesn't exactly resemble a stream report, or does it?
It was posted as a general fly fishing work of art-- few words, two pictures.

But it didn't answer a ton of questions, I agree.
Yo tomi

Brilliant! The selection of fly patterns speaks volumes, but I see two story lines: either you had to go through a lot of different flies to land at least that beautiful trout; or there were a lot of different things working.

Last week on the Beaverkill, in the face of complex multiple hatches and spinner falls, I went through a lot of different patterns. I often could see the reactions of the trouts, so I had a lot of help deciding what fly to use next. They were very picky, and though I caught dozens of trouts (unusual in that a third to half were 14" or bigger), I couldn't figure out a pattern that would take more than 2 at a time. Burned up a lot of tippet.
I had success with about 1 out of [d]3[/d] 4 flies, admittedly not high numbers for the tally, but I think they tell the story well enough...was on the water from 10:30 to almost 7pm, had pretty much had my fill by the time the drake spinners really started congregating.
Based on flies used you can tell hatches

Based on his patch and pic of the fish at least one worked

Based on the amount of yellow flies used, obvious he thought that fly matched the hatch but he had to find the right one to get it to sit on the surface the way that they wanted it.

Likely the yellow flies is what he caught fish with, because he stuck with them.

He was fishing penns creek based on his words.

He had to change flies often, work for what he caught and had an enjoyable day but didn't catch many. Based on his words and pics.

I think it did enough, I could be wrong but that's what I took from it.
I enjoyed it.
Forgot the county in the title ;-) But nicely done, for about 2018 words. Gives me an idea to try a visual haiku sometime!
About how I felt this today on Penn's except they were only taking small bwo patterns although larger ones were abundant on the water surface and in the air. They made you work very hard but when you finally got a perfect presentation the fish rewarded your efforts.
I like it - nicely done Tomi.

This minimalist approach to describing a fishing trip is typical of what one sees these days in high end outdoor magazines: lots of well done, professional looking photos and sparse words.
Love this.