Tutorial - Winged wet fly - The Dark Montreal



Mar 27, 2011
This may or may not be a variant, depending on how strictly you follow the pattern. Regardless, for all intents and purposes, this should give you a good run through how to tie a nice winged wet fly.


Hook: Wet fly hook of choice, in this case, Mustad 3123 Size 7
Tag: Gold mylar, #16
Tail: Claret schlappen fibers
Body: Danville 4 strand floss, Wine
Rib: Same piece of gold mylar used for the tag
Throat: Claret Schlappen Fibers 2-3 bunches
Wing: Dark Mottled Turkey Wing

1.Start with the hook in the vise. Make a 3 or 4 turn jam knot with heavily waxed thread, then
catch in your mylar for the tag. You want a gold tag, so if using double sided mylar, the gold side should be touching the shank and you should see the silver side. Make sure the piece of tinsel is long enough to form the tag and the rib.

2. Take the thread along the shank of the hook, keeping the mylar on the bottom of the shank, and stop the thread at or just slightly past the point of the hook.

3.Make a 5 turn tag (photo is blurry, but you should have touching wraps.

4. Then make another 5 turns back up to the tie in point. In total you should have 10 turns of tinsel. Tie off the tinsel with two turns of waxed thread and then catch the remain tinsel in the material clip on your vise.

5. Take bunch of claret schlappen fibers and measure a tail approximately the length of the hook shank

6. With touching wraps of thread, secure the schappen along the top of the shank to eye of the hook. By doing touching wraps you create a nice smooth underbody for the floss body of the fly.

7. Secure a single strand of wine floss at the eye of the hook, on the bottom of the shank, with 4-5 tight wraps of thread. Wind the floss in touching wraps to the butt of the fly. Make sure the floss is flat, if it becomes twisted, unwind it as you wrap. I wrap by hand, with no bobbin. At this stage, you can secure the floss with your hackle plier and burnish the body (first layer). Then take the floss back up to the eye of the hook, again with tight touching wraps of flat floss

8. When the floss is back at the eye of the hook, unwind the thread wraps (4-5) that you used to secure the the floss. Then take the two tag ends and secure both together with 4-5 wraps.
Wind your rib in even, open spiral to make 5 ribs on the body. Now, unwind again, 2-3 of the wraps of thread you used to secure the floss tags (there should be two wraps still holding the floss, catch in the rib and secure with 2-3 tight wraps of thread. All the wrapping and unwrapping reduced the bulk at the head tie in area and helps provide a level foundation for the wing of the fly.

9. Take three or 4 bunches of claret schlappen and secure to the underside of the shank to create the throat of the fly. I usually aim for the fiber tips to lie between the point and the barb of the hook. As you can see there is minimal bulk at the wing tie in area. I use 2-3 tight wraps for each bunch of schlappen, always unwinding 1-2 wraps before I secure the next bunch, so with three bunches of schlappen you should have 6 max. wraps holding them all in place.

10. Measure your wing fibers against the gape of the hook. In this case, 17 fibers per size was good for this hook. Measure your wing to end just past the bend of the hook, but not longer than the tail, and secure with 3-4 TIGHT wraps of thread, always moving forward from the intital wrap.
When your happy, your wing should look like this.

11. Hold the wing with your non tying hand (left hand for me) and cut the butts of the wing at the same angle as the eye of the hook. I lie my scissors on the eye and trim the butts.

12. With waxed thread, secure down the butts with just enough wraps to make the head and whip finish the fly.

13. Take your varnish of choice and apply a few coats to finish the fly with a nice shiny head.
I used cellire for this fly, but sometimes I use Sally Hansens Hard as Nails.

The finished article.

Thanks for checking in


Very good tutorial Eunan. I also like the fly too. :)
Each time I see your work I am more and more both impressed and humbled.

Eunan, love the pictures and description of this wet fly! So many get stumped when tying these, and you did a great job, with each step-by-step telling the story.
