Trying to gear up!



New member
Jan 11, 2013
Hello everybody!

I love fishing, but fly fishing has always been a mystery to me.
For the time being, Im stuck in western New Jersey(at my parents house), and unemployed, so I'll have some time to learn. There are actually some nice spots in NJ, or so I'm told.

I need some advice on how to find a decent used rod for a beginner, what i should expect to pay, etc. If anyone knows of someone selling some of their old gear I'd love to know about it so I can try to get started.

Remember, keeping costs down is important, as I'm not presently working. :(

Thanks in advance! Its a great forum you've got here!

check out the swap forum on this site. there is alot of good stuff on there. ive bought several items from there and i trust the judgment of the sellers as well. if you dont find what your looking for there. Reddington makes some cheaper rod/reel outfits. welcome to the site!
cabelas also makes some decent rod/reel outfits for the beginner at great prices. just bought brand new outfit for my fiance all inclusive perfect for the beginner for 40 bucks....waders on other hand can be more expensive but I used a 70 pair up until this year (7 years or so before they leaked) and a vest your best would be walmart. As far as flies are concerned, I see some guys here tie some up for you pretty cheap but I have predered what I needed (when I didnt have time to tie) from the decently price IMHO. welcome to the darkside LOL
+1 on the swap forum and cabelas.
Some of the smaller fly shops in your area may build rods. I bought my 8'6 5wt for $50, and a $20 reel from Ollies. Ollies also sells rods, but they aren't very durable and break quite easily. This is just my opinion, as I'm fairly new myself. This forum has taught me a lot. Take a look around and you will find more knowledge on this site than most other sites combined. Lots of very friendly people on here.
+1 on Ollies.

They peddle Sports Authority's left overs at my local Ollies. I saw a nice looking okuma reel there last year for about $15. I didnt buy it because I wasnt sure if I was getting into FF or not, plus I didn't know what was good or bad at the time. I cant wait to see what good 2nd hand stuff they put out this year.