Trout stomach contents

Caddis cases include things like sand, pebbles, and twigs.

And whatever plant material grannoms make their cases out of.

I caught a trout once and it was full of corn and there weren't even any corn fields nearby.
I like when I find whole kernel corn in the gut of a fresh stocker.
I found a Lima Bean in a trout must've been having succotash.
Time to start gutting every gemmy I catch to find out whats in it's stomach. Don't worry, I will release em after.
fish it as you would a nymph where you see stockers holding,

Or reel in and go fish elsewhere...
FarmerDave wrote:
BrookieChaser wrote:
Maurice wrote:
BrookieChaser wrote:
Research "Pavlov's Dog".

It's conditioning to the hatchery environment.

Which would explain why a native brook trout will hit a cigarette butt if you put it on a hook?

Yes, it would explain your example.

It's still conditioning to a specific environment.

First of all, Maurice beat me to it.

Second of all (Brookie), Huh?

I believe what he is saying is that a lot brookies need to attack anything the floats through. They don't have the luxury to be selective because there is not an abundance of food. Brookies on the lower savage will not be attacking a cigarette butt(lots of food) where as brookies on the upper tribs will. It's conditioning to a specific environment. If Im wrong please correct me brookie.
You're correct, Ryan.

Perhaps some of the small gravel and small pieces of twigs come from caddis cases the fish eat to get to the caddis larvae.
Well, I see troutbert beat me to my idea.