trout behavior



Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
Anyone know of the trout behavior of where they seem all worried, swimming around, not holding in feeing lies, ignoring everything that swims near them(streamers) and dodging everything drifted by
Spooked, fresh stocked, or spawning
What he said! Although I'd try a pink or yellow streamer this time of year. :-D
wernt fresh stocked, or spawning, theyre the fall stocked bows, over a month in the stream. Spooked? Well yea, but the water was higher then it was before the little drought and they wernt that spooked. seems theyre always like that when theres tons of suckers around
They could still be wanting to spawn. They just stocked some rainbows near me that are full if eggs and came from Bellefonte. Do you know where your fish are from?
Huntsdale, but like i said, these fish were stocked like the 1st of october. i even tried egg patterns if they were in that agressive rival egg mode. but they ignored them too. i dunno it was just weird. They were still viciously taking eggs till about 2 weeks ago. Then monday believe i went fishing, caught about 10 fish in 2-3 hours. Tried again tuesday and wednesday, and had one in 3 hours using the same flies. I think maybe its just one of those weird days where whatever happens, happens.
Try to approach with some stealth and try a few different patterns. If you've been fishing over them alot, you might need to change tactics.

If they have been in the water long enough now, they might be getting easier to spook. Try to do some long distance casting for them, if you're not.

This seems like a similar situation to the one that one will often encounter at the little lehigh. In that spot, I use tiny midges and drift a ton of times at each fish.
My definition of fresh stocked is: anytime they are stocked in low water conditions until the water gets back to normal. If stocked in faster heavier flow, they take care of themselves much quicker.

Current flows mimic nursery/raceway conditions, I think. For 19 months these fall stocked trout were looking at each others anal pores in a very controlled condition. The only time they fall out of "lock step" (bunched up and content) is when someone walks overhead or the feed bag goes on. Then it is chaos.

Until they have to separate to find food or the water gets high and they need to find lies, they have no reason to change their behavior.

What you are seeing in my opinion is:

1. The water is very slow at this time and they are bunching back up.
2. You spooked them, which makes them scatter but remain focused on each other because the water conditions don't have them preoccupioed with remaining in a lie.
3. They are scared to death of have been beaning them on the head for a month...pulling them around and squeezing them while you take videos under water. You gotta be like the scariest person on earth to these trout.

Maybe try a costume next time.... :lol:

Seriously, # 3 was a light hearted joke.

Did they look anything like this...these are fish we stocked on a monday and on the next Monday they were in this slow area below a bridge tailout. They are not there anymore....and when stocked, only about 6-7 were put within 200 yards of this area. Somehow in that week they found each other and exhibited strange grouping behavior...probably a family reunion of sorts. But now they have moved on. I should add that these fish were all 13"-16" long brown trout. I had to adjust the contreast on the pics to be more clear. Hence the quality. Anyway, take a look at the pics.