Trout beads

I want to preface by saying I've never fished trout beads, but I did run into this article:

One of the reasons people fish the beads is because they can be pegged up the line from the hook and inch or two. This supposedly prevents deep hooking. That certainly sounds like a good thing if that if true

Anyway, not so sure they are legal in PA. At least pegged up the line:
I've fished beads quite a bit!

Why use them? well at least here, when the salmon are spawning eggs become almost an exclusive food source with flesh flies a second not far down the road.

A pegged bead will out produce any fly you throw! Come on up, my raft is open to most people.

The deep hooking deal is true, to a degree....there are plus's to both. The caveat to it is, smaller fish. I generally use 1" as a rule. 2"es is too much imho!

I haven't tried beads anywhere out of state. Though I do have a replacement for waters that beads are a no-go on. We have a few places up here beads aren't allowed either.

Trying to define what is, is not an easy task. Space age graphite/epoxies, highly machined reels and overly engineered plastic lines? What's fly fishing to one may not fit the bill for the next guy. I'm not one to judge!