
daniel boone, and i will be fishing a small, really small creek this week that is cold and has alot of trout in it and will prolly be givin the tully a break, and y do u wanna no what school i go to

The one I will end up in :)
troutmagnet wrote:
daniel boone, and i will be fishing a small, really small creek this week that is cold and has alot of trout in it and will prolly be givin the tully a break, and y do u wanna no what school i go to

Is it right there in your area? I actually thought about fishing it this evening but I couldn't deal with all the brush.
troutmagnet wrote:
ok even tho it is warm, i did read the thread and i believe what tim robinson was saying, even tho peoples opinion is it is no sportsman like, it gives me a chance to practice fishing size 24 and 22 tricos, and like other people said the white truck comes to dump more off, and tco recommends fishing cacoosing area cause off the cold water
i think if u take ur time to be carefulk wit the trout it is ok,

I think you and Tim are both wrong. If you wanna learn you came to right place!
Whether your 15 or 43 fishing for trout in the Tully right now is just plain wrong. Just because one very small section contains cold water doesn't make it ok to fish use some restraint and fish somewhere for the overall better of the sport. By not taking simple well backed advice your not helping your cause by coming here and begging for info that could be simply found by using a simple Google search.
troutmagnet wrote:
daniel boone, and i will be fishing a small, really small creek this week that is cold and has alot of trout in it and will prolly be givin the tully a break, and y do u wanna no what school i go to

Curious, as I live in the area.

See my offer about the conservation school. My son went there this year and loved it. Held on the campus of Alvernia U for a week during the Summer. Great experience.
the creek i want fish is like 30 minutes away and my buddie told me about it, what stream were u thinking of, and i guess to only fly fishing on the tully will be for carp.
ok, and im sorta confused about the whole conservation school thing.
Please do as all a favor and don't mention small wild trout streams by name on the internet especially if it's name begins with a W.
ok the stream i was thinking of doesnt start wit a w
troutmagnet wrote:
ok, and im sorta confused about the whole conservation school thing.

Sorry don't mean to confuse you. If you are a high school student with a love for stream conservation, the school I mentioned is open to Berks Co residents who are interested in helping our streams. I am simply offering you the info and advising that I would underwrite your attendance should you decide to go.

troutmagnet wrote:
the creek i want fish is like 30 minutes away and my buddie told me about it, what stream were u thinking of, and i guess to only fly fishing on the tully will be for carp.

Given that you are in Boone SD I was thinking something in the park area. Does not start with W, lol.
oh ok, and thank i will take a look at that.
Fyi, TCO or most large fly shops will tell you to fish right there on the tully due to the water temps. But also think about the time of year, its a slow time for fly fishing stores and they will do anything to get your business. I understand your 15, but please learn to at least spell correctly.
mushumatt wrote:
I understand your 15, but please learn to at least spell correctly.


If you're going to go there....
^ thanks hahah that made me laugh a little.
The creek theyre talking about is the wyomissing, its a class A wild trout stream. Theres a decent amount of streams in the area holding naturally producing trout here that flow right through developed areas. The other day i saw several wild 20 plus inchers under a bridge right on the main road. The stream flows right through my back yard further down. As you can see by the picture, theyre reproducing just fine. When it comes to wild trout, you got to get off your *** and do some research yourself though, and not ask everyone for their spots and where everyone else is catching them. Trust me its a lot more rewarding.

the spelling rip then re-rip made me laugh on a dreary saturday morning....good eye jay and good analogy about the people in a room, if you dont understand it after that....well...not sure

hey dave, the kids 15...might wanna watch the words there....just sayin.
yeah i really dont care i cant drive so i try my best....thats it