


May 16, 2011
my buddies dad tyed me some trico and i stung 2 trout on the tully wit them, and was gonna ask about them. they were all black, like they were tied with all black thread and then just poly wings, is it really that easy to tie? thanks
Yep, that's all you need. I like to tie them with cream colored thread for the body to imitate the females, which are lighter. I use a black marker to darken if they are eating the males.

Info and pics of trico naturals.

I actually prefer to use Al's trico: Link.

It's tied in reverse, as you can see in the picture. I like to use a few turns of grizzly hackle. I find this pattern to be a better match than the one you described, though they both work just fine.

Beware that the tully is pretty warm right now. It's currently too warm to safely catch and release trout. If you're going to catch them on the tully, go ahead and keep them.

Here's a thread with more info on that.

More discussion on the tully's temps in this thread.

And one more on when streams are too warm to safely fish for trout.
we were fishing were cacoosing comes in, and there in 62 degrees water, and is there any videos out there own it
See those threads for discussion on fishing thermal refuge, which cacoosing is. I am of the opinion that it's NOT okay to do, as are most fly fishers.

The water is cooler there, but the fish are stacked so as not to die. It's not a very sporting thing to do, and it's still potentially lethal to the fish.

The fly pattern is pretty easy:

Tie the thread body back toward the bend of the hook. Put a wisp of dark dubbing down, then turn grizzly hackle over it. Return thread to the eye and finish. No videos, to my knowledge.
for tying those easy tricos, thanks
ok, i didnt no, my buddie invited me and it was my first tme there, so they still die in the 62 degrees water??
Check those threads for a very recent discussion on the effects of fishing thermal refuges. No need to rehash it here, but those fish are stacked there because they are very stressed from the warm waters elsewhere.

Imagine a room that's packed with people, where there is only sufficient oxygen in one corner. They're climbing over each other in that corner.

Don't make them start doing push ups. :)
allow me to quote myself:
gfen wrote:
If the water temperature is above the comfort range for the fish you're seeking, its inappropriate.

If the water is cold in the morning, but rises to near lethal or lethal temps in the day, its inappropriate.

If the main stem of the water is too hot, and the fish seek refuge in the place where a cold trib flows in, its inappropriate.

One way will certainly kill them via stress from enviroment and then being hooked and played, no matter how gentle you try to be. The other way is not only potentially more lethal, but its unsporting. THey're all stacked up there because if they chose to go elsewhere, they die.
ok, so dont fish it till people look down on keeping trout outta the tully, i usually c&r until i want a trout to eat but i like putting them back to catch again, and i did read that thread, actual reading third page
and i saw people up stream fishing the flats, and below is it reall that bad if they stay in the water the whole time?thanks for your help
troutmagnet wrote:
ok, so dont fish it till people look down on keeping trout outta the tully, i usually c&r until i want a trout to eat but i like putting them back to catch again, and i did read that thread, actual reading third page

A lot of folks (think fly fishing purist) look down on harvest in general, however I fully support it. A recurring theme for me on DHALO streams is fish and harvest or rest the stream. To catch and "release to die" is simply a waste.
The tully is a good place to keep trout from the big white trucks will bring more!
troutmagnet wrote:
and i saw people up stream fishing the flats, and below is it reall that bad if they stay in the water the whole time?thanks for your help

Yes it is. Jay has directed you to very useful information on the subject. Simply read those threads.
ok even tho it is warm, i did read the thread and i believe what tim robinson was saying, even tho peoples opinion is it is no sportsman like, it gives me a chance to practice fishing size 24 and 22 tricos, and like other people said the white truck comes to dump more off, and tco recommends fishing cacoosing area cause off the cold water
i think if u take ur time to be carefulk wit the trout it is ok,
how is it unethical, do u guys think its bad because of theres so many fish and its eay or what, i still think its a challange catching them and it was my first time dry fly fishing
but it is 62 in cacoosing so the lactic acid could reverse it selve andthey would still live?
troutmagnet wrote:
ok even tho it is warm, i did read the thread and i believe what tim robinson was saying, even tho peoples opinion is it is no sportsman like, it gives me a chance to practice fishing size 24 and 22 tricos, and like other people said the white truck comes to dump more off, and tco recommends fishing cacoosing area cause off the cold water
i think if u take ur time to be carefulk wit the trout it is ok,

I applaud the fact that you embrace this brazen attitude and couldn't care less about the fishery. Funny. You were on this board earlier this year begging for everyone to do all your foot work for you in finding a place to fish for wild trout. Everyone directed to the resources to do the work yourself. You couldn't do that research because it would appear that you may actually be too simple minded (this is merely my opinion of you based upon your writing, language skills and consistently crapping upon the sport, versus me assuming/stating you are mentally handicapped or something along those lines).

Frankly at this point I am just assuming you are a troll, as I don't believe that ones actions can be so dumb.
ok im only 15 and im trying to learn sumting by comin to this site, but i guess i cant i dont understand in 62 degrees water it is so bad
i dont crap on the sport.....trout are my favorite fish and fish for them all the time, mostly every day in april and may , say wat u want but just trying to learn
troutmagnet wrote:
ok im only 15 and im trying to learn sumting by comin to this site, but i guess i cant i dont understand in 62 degrees water it is so bad
i dont crap on the sport.....trout are my favorite fish and fish for them all the time, mostly every day in april and may , say wat u want but just trying to learn

Out of curiosity, what school district are you in?

If you are truly interested in the resource shoot me a PM. I will personally sponsor your tuition in next years Don Hartman Conservation Leadership School which is ran by Berks Conservation District and the PA Dept of Conservation.