Trico Nymphs



Jan 7, 2009
Does anyone tie a trico nymph, or even fish it. I know the spinner fall is the most important stage, but I still would like to try my hand with the nymph. Tough to find a pattern online. Most suggest a small PT or a black WD40. Anyone mind sharing a recipe.

The nymphs are light colored. Size 20 tan hare's ear with a defined dark wing case. They are basically the same proportions as olive nymphs.

I had my best morning ever on spring creek with one of OldLefty's trico nymphs.
Try a WD-40 or RS2 nymphs.
Per Rod as he takes another toke on his bong "Trico nymphs and paraleps are unimportant to the fish in the Little Lehigh."

His suggestion is use pink sucker spawn on 12x tippett.
That's the same rig I use to catch carp on the Susky. 12x is hard to find though.
By some strange coincidence, Rod always seems to have a lot in stock.
I don't understand how anyone familiar with a stream which harbors a good population of Tricos and/or Paraleps could say that the nymphs are unimportant to the fly fisher. Could it possibly be that the trout, when confronted with a Trico nymph, says to itself "I can't eat that one, it's a Trico nymph." Might they say the same for a Paralep nymph?

While this particular person (Rod) may not remember a day on Spring Creek several years ago, I took somewhere in the vicinity of 30 trout in a few hours in the late afternoon. The fly I was using was a Trico nymph pattern. Memories fail us in later years and it was the only time we fished together; however, I remember this day vividly. Personally, I've had days when fishing Trico nymph imitations saved the day.

Regarding Paraleps, I'll confess I don't know if these critters are numerous in the Little Lehigh. I do know that many streams harbor good populations of this little mayfly. I penned an article for Fly Fisherman which was published in the mic-90's titled "Paraleps" and I reported that Paralep nymph patterns can provide very good fishing. When we shot some photos on Penns Creek some years later for another article I wrote I fished Paralep nymphs and I had some exceptional fishing. Depending on where I'm fishing I would feel incomplete without a compliment of Paralep nymphs in my flybox.

Experience teaches us a lot and I felt the need to address this based on some of my personal experiences.

Dave R.

Thanks for chiming in. When do you suggest fishing them. Ive heard thats its best to fish them after the spinner fall, but I like to arrive at the stream well in advance of the trico spinner fall usually to nymph a while. In the past ive done well using PTs but I feel using something a little more imitative would do well.

Thanks your your input on this I was hoping you would read this I would say you are THE expert on trico and paraleps. As for paraleps on the LL they are out in great numbers already and come tricos I would say there is a 1:1 ratio. I shared some of my paralep nymphs with H.A. Last year but would love to hear your pattern.
Please don't refer to me as THE expert; I'm just a guy who has some experience with these critters and their releationship to the trout.

As for when to fish Tricos, my feeling is anytime the surface isn't cluttered with rising fish.

As for Paralep nymphs, I have three different patterns to cover up to five different species. Here's my representation for Paraleptophlebia adoptiva, the first one of the year to appear.

Note of caution: please don't judge by how a fly appears when dry.


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With your ego we all know you love being called an expert!
Alphabuck, I don't know what I may have done to deserve that remark but I do recognize when my input may be less than desired. That being the case, more than likely you won't have to be plagued with my posting to this site anymore.

Dave R.
Dave I pretty sure a lot people on this board appreciate your posts I know I do so don't let one spoil it for the bunch .
And Dave if insults really bothered you, you wouldn't be the Pres. of PATU.

On a second note Alpabuck that sounded like a personal attack/insult to me.
Read the Posting Guidelines
Problem solved. Both Alpy and Old Lefty are good guys - they'll get along just fine. This was just a misunderstanding between friends.
OldLefty wrote:
Please don't refer to me as THE expert; I'm just a guy who has some experience with these critters and their releationship to the trout.

As for when to fish Tricos, my feeling is anytime the surface isn't cluttered with rising fish.

As for Paralep nymphs, I have three different patterns to cover up to five different species. Here's my representation for Paraleptophlebia adoptiva, the first one of the year to appear.

Note of caution: please don't judge by how a fly appears when dry.

Whatever you prefer Dave is fine by me you opened my eyes as a young fly fisher to "micro" nymphs, mainly paraleps and tricos. Please don't go cause of 1 comment.

Anyway, this knowledge along with a few on stream words from H.A. a few months ago has brought me a long way in a short period of time.

That being said I don't think many can or do put the time in to fishing small nymphs to realize how truly important they are in a trouts diet. Works out better for me in the end :-D
I kinda assumed it was tongue-in-cheek, or at least I was going to assume so coz I like both of them.

There's ego around these parts, and Old Lefty doesn't have it. He's got confidence, and he's got the chops to back it up but its sure not ego...

You want to see an ego, spend an afternoon with me doing something other than FF'ing. Actually, in a Freudian sense, its all just Id. Ego and Superego have been on a lunch date for about 35 years now, but we're off target.

Oh, and OldLefty..if you leave, I'll be aimless and lost. HA will have to become my guiding light, and just think of the problems that'd cause.
gfen wrote:
I'll be aimless and lost. HA will have to become my guiding light, and just think of the problems that'd cause.

OMG. Code Adam, onstream. :-o

"Yes, officer, he's an exceptionally LARGE toddler. Don't bribe him with candy, 'cause he'll just rip your arm off." :lol:

This could be fun!

Get your St. Jude medal ready, as I understand it he's the patron saint of lost causes....