Tric-O Treat



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
York, Pennsyltucky
Paul and I fished the Britches today ona counta Jack was coming....NOT! That was the trick...the treat was a nice Trico spinnerfall at around noon-1PM.

Happy Halloween.
And............."A Happy Halloween", to YOU as well, Maurice!
Speaking of going fishing, today............... today's the END of the Oregon trout season, for streams and rivers. (Our lakes remain open all year).

Thankfully, I was able to get out for a late afternoon of Sea Run fishing and got into a fantastic fall caddis hatch! Had to go down to #18 Elk Hairs, to cause much fuss, but it was a blast and we hooked and released our fair share.

Around about 6PM we noticed the water level, in the stream we were fishing, begin to rise quite rapidly and couldn't figure out "why"?, until we heard the chorus of sobs and moans and realized it must be the tears of anglers, up and down the water as they broke down their rods at the end of the day, bringing another great season to a close.
I hope, Maurice, that your day on the water was also productive! :-D
Hey Mo,
Did you carve those punkins? If so you are an animal. Whats your secret?
ryanh wrote:
Hey Mo,
Did you carve those punkins? If so you are an animal. Whats your secret?

Yeah, we carved them...My girls and me. I am the Jack-o-lantern nut who enjoys the tric or treaters saying ohhh, awww, nice pumpkins. It is more of a tradition than a desire. I made a few good ones 20 years ago and have been encouraged to upstage each year. I have to admit I've run out of ideas. I have let the kids pick the subjects for the last 10 years or so. Alot of the ideas come from kits at craft stores and some from the internet. This year they came from no less than the Pittsburgh Post Gazette. My mother sent me an article from the hometown rag.

Anyway, my point isn't all that artistic. it is mostly technique. I do sketch the subject with a crayon, pick the pumpkins according to what works for the subject. We make a family event out of it.

The crazy one my 14" yr old girl carved after I sketched. I taught her all the techniques as she went. My 8 year old was removing the "brains" (guts) and the 11 yr old was separating the seeds. (we wash, salt and microwave them for ten mins) ......mmmmmm, yummy. haviing some right now.

The 11 yr old did the shark, again I showed her the technique. Mainly how to feel comfortable with the knife and keep it in a safe position. The big difference from your parents Jack-o-lantern is the removal of the surface skin to add dimension and mid-tone changes once lit.

The witch...although it turned out more like a devil I think, was all mine. after they went to bed, I spent the next two hours finishing my pumpkin and cleaning up pumpkin from every square inch of the kitchen, dining area. Lots of the shell gets flung, shot, flicked and splatted all over the place. My wife walks around shaking her head. But she know if she says anything I will just pull the plug ont he whole shootin match. Thats her contribution...keeping her mouth shut...which is a tall order to fill. :-D

Oh, and keep lots of tooth pics on had to fix the goof ups of cutting off teeth, eye balls and other suspended shell pieces.

Thats about secerets here.
