Tributaries, Lou Wentz



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
This book is a winner. It is not a typical fly-fishing book. Though it mentions some streams, it is not a kiss-and-tell manual. Rather, the book covers a nice variety of items.

It discusses Wentz's being drawn into fly-fishing. For him, it came gradually; but when it hooked him, he was all in. For older fly-fishermen like me, it is reminder of how we developed from know-nothings into enthusiastic flyrodders. For younger readers, it might give them hints of what to expect on their fly-fishing journeys.

The book also shows Wentz's love for the streams he fished in PA and elsewhere, especially the Tulpehocken. His adventures on the Tully show his progress as a dry-fly fisherman and how that stream helped him develop his skills. It also shows, sadly, what can happen when a stream becomes overfished and is essentially loved to death, with a deterioration of the fishing experience. Again, we older fly-fishermen can think of some of our favorite streams that have suffered the same fates. It could serve as a warning to young guys to protect places that are not already overrun with anglers.

Wentz's immersion into TU again parallels what many older fishermen experienced. Though I never became a TU officer, I did a newsletter for 10 years for our chapter when I was an active member. Wentz's discussions of "rock rolling" reminded me of the many work days our chapter did on area streams. Wentz credited the leaders of his work parties, and they reminded me of the leadership of John I. Kennedy and Fred Sherlock with the stream restoration projects our chapter did when I was active.

This is an absolutely wonderful book. I would give it a 4.98 on a scale of 1 - 5, with the only deduction being Wentz's editors' fault for allowing a couple of errors only an old curmudgeon English teacher might see (eg. the use of "laying" for "lying"). Otherwise, it is well-written -- a joy to read.

I will re-read it, probably again this winter.

I recommend it highly and hope that literate fly-fishermen will find it on the Internet and buy their own copies. It really is a fine book.
Thank you for the kind words rrt. 4.98 is a pretty good score. I wish my old high school English teacher was around for this review. When you read it again, let me know what pages the errors reside. Thanks. And have a swell Christmas and New Year holiday season.
Lou is a good guy. Just ordered the book. I'm sure it will be worth it!