Transfer of public lands



Oct 17, 2006
There's been quite a bit of talk lately of transferring public lands to the states. I don't know how most on PAflyfish feel about this, but here's a site that contains some pertinent information on the subject.

I know I fish and camp on public lands in CA, WY, ID and OR every year and would hate to see them go to the states and eventually privatized.
we've been discussing the issue in the thread about Trump undoing stuff.

I agree, I would hate to see our public lands sold to greedy mongrels, but I've read that Trumps sec of interior is committed to keeping public lands public, I guess we'll see.
Depending on your POV, the administration deserves credit/blame for a lot of things. But, this move on public lands didn't originate in the administration, it's coming from some western congressional delegations, primarily Utah's.
D. Trump Jr. wrote the forward for George Daniels's latest book, he knows the value of the outdoors. Coupled with the Sec. of Interior's stated position, hopefully, there will be enough pushback to beat these guys back.