TR: YellowStone/Teton adventure 2015

Wow, did you fish cane the whole time? Mighty fine
Nice pics. I am sure you missed the Letort while you were out there :)
What a great report; and super photos. Thank you very much for sharing your trip.
Thanks again for the kind words everybody, it was one hell of a trip, ticked off a bucket list type things....

One scene I do wish I'd stopped for were the two bull elk going at it along the Madison in the Park, that was cool to see, but there was one hell of a crowd there already with a serious traffic snarl...just wasn't quite in the mood to add to all of that.

And yeah, did fish cane pretty much the entire trip; 8'/5wt, 7.5'/5wt, 7.5'/4-5wt and a back up graphite, the Douglass 8'8"/4wt, which I did break out on the last day for the smaller Gross Ventre when the wind had finally laid down, somewhat.

thanks again.
Those are some very nice pictures and a well put together trip report.
This was a great way to start my Friday. Thanks for sharing! I'm going to be planning a trip out there all day now.. :)
Thanks for sharing, great photos and fish a like. Trip of a lifetime for some.