Tough fishing right now



Well-known member
Aug 12, 2009
I can't even get a motel room in the Poconos right now. Essential personnel only. I can fish at my club if I want to, but I don't feel like spending 5 hours driving back and forth.

My piano playing is coming back to me and I have set some goals for push ups at age 61. I can't wait for a normal life again.
Try right out your back door. Hammer crick ought to be heavily stocked right now and easy access.
Pushups. I do 2 sets of 25 separated by about 25 minutes. These are plank straight, nose to the floor. The last 3 or 4 of each set take longer each. I shake out and stretch after each set. Been doing this a few years now.

Surprising Byproducts.

Good: before I started doing these, if I crouched even for a second, when I got up my right knee was stiff and had mild pain until I could walk it off. This was the case for several years. That problem is now completely gone.

Bad: if I skip just a day, I start getting sciatica type pangs in my back.

65 yo here.

Good luck.
I have that same issue DGC. My wife was a massage therapist and showed me a stretch that almost completely elimates that kind of back pain.
I wish i could describe to you how to do it but there is almost no way over this forum
Thank you both for the replies. I appreciate them in these difficult times.
I used to do 50 push-ups a day, probably for 35 years. But, about 5 years ago, I started getting severe shoulder pain. The orthopedic doctor I saw told me that push-ups had probably caused the problem. I could not do even one b/c of the pain. So, I am just warning you to be careful that you don't overdo things.

(Of course, I also have knee pain -- the result of a long-ago ACL replacement -- and pain in the SL joints along my back -- a result of old age, I guess. I have had recent elbow pain -- casting elbow -- from a "pop" I heard in the elbow. I had saved some prednisone, and two of them cured the elbow in one day.

Anyhow, be careful with your push-ups. Maybe I just didn't do them correctly.
I do them. But they started making my "tennis elbow" act up. Then my shoulder started in again. Both problems with my casting arm. I did rehab a few years back for the elbow. They have me doing exercises to mostly strengthen my forearm. Also gave me tips on what not to do all day when fishing. Works.

So then comes the shoulder. Went to rehab for that this winter. They told me after pushing exercise, then balance it with pulling exercises. They also have me doing close hands pushups. Gave me some shoulder exercises to do. Bottom line is that shoulder is better and tennis elbow tolerates the pushups.
I've been dealing with a bad case of vertigo that has me scared to do any wading. What's really crazy is the things you never worried about and now is now a real pain.. Just getting in and out of the creeks has become a problem since my knees don't work like they used to. I count my blessings, I could be hooked up to a ventilator fighting for my life.
Fix your knees, I did and it's a game changer. Getting old ain't for sissies. GG
For vertigo, GG's right about keeping your knees and hip joint in best possible working order and condition. They can help compensate for bad gyroscopic information you might be getting from your inner ears/balance canals.

Also consider how much salt you use and if it is very much, consider cutting it back if possible. Sodium causes fluid retention and one of the places it shows up is in the inner ear where it can be at least part of the cause of some forms of vertigo.

Finally, if you have an attack and need quick relief, try some dramamine or any OTC motion/car sickness meds. It'll put you to sleep, but at least the room will stop spinning..

I've been dealing with episodic vertigo for over 40 years.
Heck, I should have been more positive here. At 70, I'm not going to quit doing stuff I like unless I have to. For Christmas, my son got me a miracle gift -- a folding wading staff, something I had been considering. I have had occasion to use it only a few times, but I think it is going to allow me to fish some places I like for an additional 5 years or more. I hope to continue to fly-fish and not have to adapt to some easier form of fishing. I suppose I will, reluctantly, if I have to.

After the pandemic eases up, I am going to try to continue to play age-level basketball, too. This actually helps me to be physically prepared to try to fish and to hunt for turkeys.

So, I urge all of us "old guys" who have aches and pains and other problems to buck up. As Dylan Thomas wrote, "Do not go gentle into that good night."
Uhhh..... time to go in hiatus again. I’ll be doing some productive things until further notice!
I’m pushing 74, but I can still do 40+ push ups at a time, and on a good day 50. Open heart surgery and a pacemaker this past year have slowed me down some.

Fishing Penns Creek was excellent yesterday, about as good as it gets, but my legs were feeling it today after nearly 12 hours of walking and wading.

Half hour of rowing machine for me watching the morning news. Picked it up after my post surgery cardio rehab. 62!

Sal, I just notice your CVTU web address is outdated. New address is

HopBack wrote:
Try right out your back door. Hammer crick ought to be heavily stocked right now and easy access.

Not to derail the pushup thread, but as HopBack points out why not just fish close to home? Plenty of angling opportunities right now (depending on the weather, of course.)
I agree with Hop and jifigz. Lancaster Co is crawling with stocked trout right now due to the soft opener and the accelerated stocking program this year. If you want more scenic stocked water for the most part, hit the York Co tribs to Muddy Ck and the River, or Muddy Ck itself. I would suggest the lower section of Fishing Ck, the walk-in stocked stretch of the S Br Muddy, the lower walk-in stretch of Muddy Ck Section 04, and the lower half to two-thirds of Otter Ck..
Lancaster County may be crawling with trout, but I can't catch any. Honestly I haven't even seen that many stockers. Lots of guys hogging the bridges. I have fished a bunch of places on Hammer including opening day and nothing. I did catch a little wild brown on a dry fly in the county park. My son (who never fishes) has been out a lot with his friends, and 4 of them have caught lot 3 total trout on a lot of outings. Really haven't seen a ton caught either. And I even think the local sportsman club stocked.
I know that I could fish close enough to Lancaster if I wanted to. My outdoor adventure and epicenter is my club in the Poconos. It will be that way for the rest of my life.

I have too much to do there and have barely even scratched the surface.

I would rather stay out of everyone else's way and let them have fun fishing for stocked trout in Lancaster County.

I am not an elitist, I am fishing for stocked trout too, I just have another place to go.

I think we are all frustrated with this coronavirus pandemic.
Fish local. Explore Local. There is always something new to discover.