Top ten flies for Southwestern Pennsylvania?



Active member
Jun 11, 2016
Southwestern Pa
Ok fellows, what would be the "top ten" (followed by any others worthy of mentioning) flies for fishing the SW part of the state for trout?

Limestone streams are more central and north of SW, so I'm curious of what you consider the "I can't do without" fly patterns for the SW Pa area.

Any thoughts? I figured this may be a good source for the newbie fly fisher-person and\or a new fly tier.
Probably the same as for NW PA, NC PA, the Smoky Mountains, Colorado, Argentina...
Wooly bugger
PT nymph
hares ear
Squirmy wormy
egg pattern
adams dry fly
elk hair caddis
griffiths gnat
peeping caddis nymph
soft hackles

a very generic list, but with some size and color variation you could catch fish all over the world with this list. Including the limestoners...
Copper John 16-12
Prince Nymph 14-12
Lightning Bug Nymph 18-14
Bird of Prey (caddis green & tan) 16-14
Sparkle Pupa (Caddis green & tan) 18-14
Bead Head Hare's Ear Nymph 16-12
Pheasant Tail Nymph 18-14
CDC & Elk (Green, olive, & tan) 16-12
Parachute Adams 18-12
Wooley Bugger (Black, black, black, white, and olive) 10-6
Sucker spawn (any orangey yellowy color and plain yellow) 14
Pink Squirmy or Green Weenie 14-12 (Take you pick)

I guess that's more than 10, especially with all the color variations, but I would not feel unprepared on any stocked water and even most wild trout streams with the above flies.

For small stream wild trout I would add:

Royal Wulff 14-10
Hippie Stomper (Yellow/Tan or Royal Coachman colors) 12-10
Black Nose Dace Bucktail 8-6

Actually, combined, this is a pretty good list of flies to have at all times in all places in PA and from there I would start building boxes to better match hatches or for specific waters. Maybe expand to include sulphurs or throw in some midges or a couple more junky patterns if you are really into slamming stocked fish. Personally I would lean towards versatility, especially if starting from scratch. That means focusing on flies that are not too gaudy, but also not niche either. Patterns like Walt's Worm and Griffith's Gnats would be next to be added and perhaps could replace a few I've already mentioned.
Looks like good lists for just about anywhere. LOL
Zugbug for the dropper in early season.
The lists pretty much cover all the bases. I abandoned the Green Weenie a couple of years ago. Replaced it with a small bright green Mop fly tied on a size 12 hook. I use car wash mitt mop pieces to tie it.
Another fly I like which wasn't on the lists was the Usual. It's a nice generic mayfly pattern that can be tied in various sizes and colors.
This is what the Green Weenie replacement looks like.


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No terrestrials listed?
I catch many fish on ant and beetle patterns from May thru Oct, on many SW PA streams.
But really, just like I do in any other area of the state too
JerryC wrote:
The lists pretty much cover all the bases. I abandoned the Green Weenie a couple of years ago. Replaced it with a small bright green Mop fly tied on a size 12 hook. I use car wash mitt mop pieces to tie it.
Another fly I like which wasn't on the lists was the Usual. It's a nice generic mayfly pattern that can be tied in various sizes and colors.
This is what the Green Weenie replacement looks like.

I've tied and fished the mop, even the bright green mop. I've never caught a fish on a mop fly. I've caught A LOT of trout on green weenies so I still hold it dear to me.

I'm not doubting the mop, but I love the weenie.
This is what the Green Weenie replacement looks like.

Looks similar to a peeping caddis.
I would only add a muskrat nymph to the list and you will need a couple of dry's and ants/beetles
As a Western Pa native, the flies that I use the most are:

1.) Prince Nymph #10-18
2.)Pheasant Tail #10-18
3.)Zebra Midge #16-20
4.)Wet/Dry Ants and Beetles #12-22
5.) Rusty Spinners #10-24
6.)X-Caddis #12-16
7.)BWOs #14-20 (Some of the Youghs tribs have excellent Cornuta hatches (large BWO).
8.)Greenie Weenie #12-14
9.) Wooly Buggers #2-12
10.)Adams #10-24
Always in my "go to" fly box...

Attractors: Stimulator, Green humpy
Terrestrials: Letort hopper, Joe's hopper
Dries: Tan EHC, BWO
Nymphs: Prince nymph, Pheasant tail
When all else fails: Green weenie, Woolly bugger