Tom Tickler 2/0 (Hardy)



Mar 27, 2011
From Hardy, different from the Tolfrey version in body color, hackle, and wing style.

Nice pattern, though no topping called for in this version.


Forgot the photo, now uploaded...


  • 2012-06-13_07-07-05_93.jpg
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i love lookin at your flies. VERY nice.
"I love looking at your flies",........?
No comment....LOL
All the flys you post are great looking, but that is a truly beautiful fly! I can't even imagine how you got the head to look that perfect. I know less than nothing about classic tying, so excuse me if this is a stupid question. I'm curious about the transition from the tag to the body. You have a thin band of herl (I think), and then it seems like there is a step up to the floss. Is the floss layered over the herl?
Looking forward to seeing more of your work,
Beautiful! A real piece of art. I too enjoy the flies you post.
Great question, and observation - ou spotted one of the flaws of this fly.

Ideally, the transition from the tag - herl - body should be a smooth graduation. Unfortunately, when i was wrapping the underbody (white floss) i started it too far forward.
It should have started under the tag, butt and continued up through the body to form a nice taper.

This is something i've been working on with my flies and the latest few are much better than the first few.

Its all about taking small steps, as there is so much going on with each fly its hard to get everything right from day one as a beginner.

I think on the full dress Silver Secretary i posted a while back, the transition is much more gradual, though on that fly, there is no butt.

Thanks for the comments, its nice to know folks look in detail at the flies. Those observations help me to improve.

Ill continue to post flies as i tie them.

As for the head, a LOT of cobblers wax, and sally hansens hard a nails for the finish - 3 or 4 coats.
eunanhendron wrote:
Great question, and observation - you spotted one of the flaws of this fly.


Well that shows you how much I know. I though it was a cool feature :)
Thanks for the informative response.