To Biginners Lurking



Well-known member
Jan 16, 2012
Carbondale, PA
This is snipped from a post by Afishinado in the lengthy "Spot Burning" thread:

"You have guys on here like Heritage Ed, Old Lefty, Krayfish and many others that take their own free time to help people learn about fly-fishing and set up events for all members to attend. There are a whole lot of members that take time to explain things, post links, etc. about all subjects related to fly-fishing."

I have found this to be totally true. I have and continue to learn from this forum. It's both educational and entertaining at the same time.

One of the members, has taken the time to twice drive a distance and on his own time give me valuable lessons in how to properly handle and cast a fly rod. He also took time to give me instruction on stream reading, entomology and fly fishing in general.

When I mentioned that a good friend was also just starting out, he immediately made arrangements to meet again and spent a lot of his time with two of us. My friend has some physical disablilties with his right hand and vision problems. He left the day reassured and making his list of equipment to purchase so that he can join the ranks of Pennsylvania's Fly Fishing gentleman.

Read, Learn, Ask questions if you are not sure of what you are ready.

There are great people in this forum willing to share their knowledge with you.

Participate in the forum. It will make you a better fisher.

To the mods - if this is the wrong place for this or too "off topic" , my apologies - deal with it and me as you will.

I agree but will also add that even experienced flyfishers may learn something from beginners. The new fella may know something you don't. So it works both ways. Just my opinion.
OP - I think this is a perfect place for your post.

I agree but will also add that even experienced flyfishers may learn something from beginners. The new fella may know something you don't. So it works both ways. Just my opinion.

Spot on totally. There is just far too much information on fishing, fish and fly-fishing to get it all. Everyone knows pieces. Its what makes this forum so great. This place has a good collective of minds so to say.

By the way I love that quote. Zane Grey's writings are amongst my favorite.

did the same :)
