To all of the vets



Active member
Jan 2, 2007
I know there are a bunch of vets and also some that are currently in service. Just wanted to say, enjoy your day and thank you.
Thank you, JayL, very much!
As a Marine, from the 'Nam era, it's really nice to hear, see and read, the changes in attitudes between then and now.
On YOUR advice, in fact, (about me as a vet, enjoying my day), I FORCED myself to go fishing and had a great time!
I'll second the "thanks" to vets. As a high school history teacher I try hard to instill an appreciation and understanding among my kids for the sacrifices and hardship endured by those in uniform and the debt we owe today to them - esp the WW2 guys. It isn't always easy with the self centered value system so many kids have today. I had the privilege of having a friend (died a few years ago at 102) who served in the Great War. November 11th meant something to him.
I arrived home on leave from Iraq last night. I will definitely be hitting the streams. Of course Benny, The Incredible Fly Fishing Weiner Dog, was glad to see me and ready to hit the creeks too.
Glad your back FishId, even if just for a little. I'll be away for a couple days but look forward to any reports from you when I return.
Maybe someday Chick and Benny will meet.
Jay, thats a thoughtful gesture thats deserving.
Thanks Jay... And welcome back Fishidiot :-D to the land of the big PX.... Flybinder I'm sorry to hear about your homecomming from Nam I just hope that those people look back now on what they did and realize on how much of a piece of trash they were :-D

Happy Veterans Day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ditto all that.

A couple weeks ago I was standing in line behind an older couple, and I noticed the man was wearing a Korean War Vet hat. I said "excuse me, but I noticed your hat. Thank you for your service." They were stunned, but in a good kind of way. It made me feel pretty darn good too.
Never take your freediom for granted.

Thanks for serving.