Tips on wading Falling Springs



Jul 7, 2011
This summer has been my first introduction to fishing two of PA's limestoners. I've been to Letort once and 3 times to Falling Spring... I have yet to catch a fish at either but that is for another topic. Wading in the big problem. On Falling Spring I find myself spending most of my time trying to maneuver in to a good position to make a cast, and very little time actually fishing. It seems like everywhere I try to step, in or near the water, could swallow me up. The few times I've tried to actually wade in to the creek, I've taken a step and my foot sinks a foot or so before I hop back to my previous footing. I find myself stuck on one side of the creek, wishing I were on the other. I did get a wading staff so that might help. I'm wondering if I do decide to take the plunge will I hit something solid a foot or two down or am I going to find myself stuck, buried to my neck! Any tips would be helpful.
Wade as little as possible and be careful as it can be very tiring on a hot day to trudge through waste high and knee high muck. I don't think your wading staff will do a whole lot of good and I wouldn't rely on it. I like to use a 10 foot rod that provides a little more reach that way I don't need to wade as much.

Best bet is to learn the streams little by little and think about your approach before you attempt to fish... that way you don't end up on the wrong side of the stream from the side you actually want to fish on. The Letort and Falling Spring are tough streams and I wish you lots of luck.
The times I have been to either, I have tried not to wade. If you must, slow and low is the way to go.
As others have said, you should stay out of the water as much as possible. I highly recommend a wading staff (esp for Letort) as this will allow you to probe marshy spots in the meadows and help with balance. Fishing the CV limestoners in winter is also easier as the grass is down and meadows are frozen.
Sounds good... I'm not planning to wade and fish so much as I'm just interested in getting in the creek if I really need to...such as, crossing to fish from the other side, or retrieving my line when it is hung up. One day I think I lost 5 or 6 flies in a matter of an hour because I kept getting hung up on debris in the creek.

I am using a 10' rod now and it really helps.