tip my hat, to Pa. boy's and gal's, Fish Commission Saviors



Active member
Dec 30, 2009
Thank you!, Thank you!, Thank you! What you do, I can not. Never believe all of the rest on this site could do it.

I am for-ever lucky to have you on my side. Fish Commission "rocks".

As a true Pennsylvanian and sportsman, I support the Pa. fish and boat commission and the Pa. game commission.


"whats in your wallet" I have the needed licenses, to enjoy what the state of Pa. provides for less than 10 cents a day! Wow, I guess I am stealing from what I should pay!

I honestly feel they did a good job with this whole Covid 19 stuff especially when I hear how things are in other states. They took a plan of action to allow everyone the opportunity to still fish without having everyone group up on a normal opening day. They never talked about closing boat ramps or other area of fishing or recreation. Most of the time I'm a hater of the PFBC but not this time! Honestly from what it sounds our state handled this as good as if not better then all the other states.
Very timely post Maxi!
And I agree whole heartedly with all the above.

I'm admittedly a wild trout snob. And usually spend most of the spring fishing the beloved limestoners of central PA.

Wanting to limit my travel now, I have been fishing stocked water closer to home. But I'm still enjoying it.
Maybe even more so now - with all bad things happening around us.

It's reminded me of my beginnings in this sport - 40 years ago now.
And kinda brought me back to a much simpler time in my life.

Back then, I was just happy to catch fish - no matter where they came from. If they were rising and taking dry flies - I was fine with it
Maybe I've come full circle now.

Anyway, kudos to the fish commission for a job well done. In spite of the trying circumstances!

They made a wise decision opening it early. Some grumble about kids day but at least we got two more weeks fishing. It’s a crisis you know.
I have always supported by the Fish Commission and the Game Commission.

My dealings with them have always been professional. They don't have an easy job, at any level.
Agree with what's already been said. A new wrinkle for me is fishing local stocked waters now as opposed to in late Fall for holdovers. Very surprised to find superbly colored 9-10 inch brown trout with perfect fins and a little blue eye spot along with plump bellies.

Despite appearances, there were too many that looked alike and sized alike at this bridge location to believe they were wild, though if they were I would be ecstatic.
Very nice posts above. I guess when it is all said and done, i am sure lucky to know you fellows and gals also. We may never meet but you will always be on my mind! Good luck fishing and "stay safe".

I too agree with what’s been said. Some amount of complaining was expected and the internet trolls were definitely throwing tantrums on the PFBC social media sites, but I talked to very few people who disagreed with the decision. At least a few recognized that they got a couple extra weeks and an early start to the season.
I agree with the above posts also. Considering the hand the folks from the fish commission were dealt, this was about the best outcome we could have expected.
Let’s just all hope we’re going forward in the right direction. Way too many folks suffering REAL hardships right now.
Sometimes we need to reflect a bit and be thankful for what we have.
I agree with all of the positive comments about the PA Fish & Boat Commission. This agency does all it can for the benefit of fish, fisheries, and fishermen.

Sadly, I cannot say the same about the pgc.
I do think you will find, a rather wholesome adventure in Pa. Compared to a "i need some adventure, out West". Remember we were first, here! All else came after!

I like being first and will never settle for 2nd! Spend your loot in Pa. and "give the dog a bone West! Pa. hard you bet but you do it in Pa. and you can do it across the World! Easy you say, well easy goes it.

I have posted many times about Pa. When you all gonna get it right! Posted many about China and "Look what you got".

I will say it again, right here, right now, Pa. "what makes you want more".

do think you will find, a rather wholesome adventure in Pa. Compared to a "i need some adventure, out West". Remember we were first, here! All else came after!

I like being first and will never settle for 2nd! Spend your loot in Pa. and "give the dog a bone West! Pa. hard you bet but you do it in Pa. and you can do it across the World! Easy you say, well easy goes it.

I have posted many times about Pa. When you all gonna get it right! Posted many about China and "Look what you got".

I will say it again, right here, right now, Pa. "what makes you want more".


What you just said reminds me of myself. I have worked in the construction\engineering industry for about 50 years and just retired last Aug. I worked and lived in over 26 different states and 3 foreign countries. For a long time, my sister, thought I would never live east of the Mississippi River, but as the years went by and after seeing a movie in the early 70s I saw a quote by T.S. Eliot that I remembered and thought about a lot. It went “We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” And that is how I think about Pennsylvania. My dad’s family come to Pennsylvania sometime in the late 1720s and for some reason it is the place that I think where I belong. That and the wife said, when we lived in Washington state, which in about 2005 and she did not like the area, that she was moving back to Pennsylvania and she didn’t care where I work, but our permanent address was going to be somewhere in Lebanon County. I just said yes dear and for the last 12 years I have been working all over the eastern US but home has always be PA.
maxima12 wrote:

When you all gonna get it right!


Here we go again.

We've seen this movie before.
