Tiger Trout



Aug 2, 2014
I called a buddy to see about getting on the water for a couple of hours tonight. All I've been thinking about the past two weeks was the fact that I didn't fish many dries this year, and that outside of midge and olive hatches on the spring creeks over the Winter, there won't be much activity on top until the Spring. So, as I was heading out the door, I emptied my nymph and streamer boxes from my pack so I was forced to fish dries.

Once we got to the water, there were a lot of midges in the air, but didn'y see any risers. I started casting to likely spots with a beetle, which got some looks and even a nudge, but no actual takes. I switched to a renegade, and got some weak takes/misses (I was able to see the fish coming up, and didn't think I was lifting too soon), then finally landed a nice brown.

I started seeing occasional rises, but nothing consistent, and they weren't impressed by the renegade anymore. I switched to a parachute Adams and started getting more looks, and false takes, just blind casting.

I worked up to the base of a tree that had small sweeper before picking up speed. I knew there had to be a fish there, I just wasn't completely confident that it'd come up top given the short opportunity for a drift before being swept away. It took me a few casts to finally get a decent drift from the multiple current lanes, but I hooked a fish, and lo and behold.

very cool! 30 years of fishing and I have yet to see one in person.
Very nice.

Very cool.
Very nice, congrats.
And you caught it on a dry too. Very special!
Congratulations. The holy grail.
Dryflyguy, I'm actually tossing around the idea of only fishing dries next year. I still need to see if I'm able to undertake something like that. I almost feel as if I'd have to get one of my fishing buddies to go in on it with me so I'm held accountable.
Always nice to see another one of these.
Now that's a memorable outing! Congrats on the lil' unicorn! Gasp....they do exist
Thanks everyone. I've always wanted to catch one, but never thought I would have the good fortune to do so.
As small as it is with lots of markings it might very well be a wild tiger trout which I have been told by a fisheries biologist is very rare in eastern trout streams. I have caught two in sixty years of fishing, I actually caught more wild grayling (in the Big Hole) than I have caught tiger trout. Both were in my mind stocked fish. One I caught in a tributary of the old Hackettstown trout hatchery in NJ and the other is pictured above caught in the WB of the Delaware River near Deposit, NY.


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Congrats on the wild tiger (yes, pretty sure wild). Welcome to the club!
Congratulations, you are now a member of the "I caught a Wild Tiger Trout Club" LOL. Enjoy. It does not happen very often. I have caught two in the last 15 years.

I still haven't caught a tiger trout, or for that matter, seen one in person that someone else caught. I saw a live large red belly pranha caught from a lake in Ohio, but never a tiger trout ... anywhere.

So my question is this: Is there a lightning trout club. ;-)

There probably is, but so secret that nobody wants to admit catching one.;-)
Cant say anything about tigers but did keep 2 rainbows this year that where full of little black beetles.