Tiger or Not?



Dec 6, 2006
Me and my buddy were out fishing today, anyways caught this trout. I think its a Brown but my friend thinks its a Tiger. Ive caught tigers before and this trout looks similar to them because of the pattern on its side but the tigers i caught had more green and silver color to them. let me know what ya'll think. I'm hoping its a tiger because that means i hit a grand slam today (brown, rainbow, brook, tiger) here is a pic of it.......

I think it is a tiger that is exhibiting more dominance of the brown trout features than of the brook trout. I agree that most tigers are of the opposite composition. Congrats on the grand-slam.

By the way, may I recommend sunscreen or a long-sleeve shirt? That looks like it is gonna be a bit sore in the morning. :cool:
wow i dont know. it could be a tiger exhibiting more brown than brook trout. thats a tough call. i would say a tiger. either way NICE TROUT! pretty good size to him.
by the way those fins are in really nice shape! and as i look at it more i can see white outlining the fins. now i really think its a tiger.
I vote for tiger
Fishidiot wrote:
Brown trout.

Why? I see no spots whatsoever..everyone else at least backed up their opinions...I'm curious why you say brown.
well i guess its a tiger then. Here's the rest of my grand slam....

Brownie that measured 22 inches....



I would say tiger, and wild tiger at that, or at least not a PFBC stocked tiger. The confluent serpentine dark spots coupled with the distinct dark band followed by the white band on the fins. They have an orange hue, too.

It does not look like the tigers that the PFBC stocks that I have caught. Those are much more blueish-silver with brown lace like pattern.

Regardless, very nice fish!

I won't ask what stream, but is it privately stocked water? Your array of fish makes me think so....
Yea these fish are stocked from a New Jersey Hatchery.
I have to vote brownie. Its an unusual pattern for sure, but Tigers adapt the white spots and vermicules from the brookies and I've seen way more than one stocked brownie with white tipped fins. Plus there isn't much room for variation when a male brookie and a female brownie is the only successful way to make a Tiger. But I know this part 100%, you had a GREAT DAY! Way to go!
ya no kidding. those sure are some really nice fish! keep that spot secret.....wouldnt want to many people down there! :-D
i have to vote with squaretail. i say its a brown trout. a brown trout with lots of spots. also the blueish hue on the side of its gill plate also tells me its a brown. i forget what thats called.
Like Ryan howard last week, you hit a grand slam. It's a Tiger, just like other trout species, they vary greatly in color. It could be a wild one, do you know if there are both wild brook and brown trout in this stream?
I've only ever caught one tiger, but it looks like a brown to me!

Very nice fish!

Tiger, Since you fished a stocked jersey stream and they put them in alot.. Looks like a jersey tiger, Pa ones have more lines..
I've caught a pretty good bit of tiger trout in my day and never have I seen one that looked that much like a brown. I'm kind of indifferent, but I'm gonna have to go with a brown with some variation to it. All of the tigers I've caught have ranged from an almost silver to a brilliant orange coloration. Plus look at the head and those spots, every tiger I've ever seen has had the vermiculation on his head. Either way very nice fish!
a few i have caught.
sandfly-that second one is typical of the PFBC stocked tigers I have caught.
JackM wrote:
I think it is a tiger that is exhibiting more dominance of the brown trout features than of the brook trout. I agree that most tigers are of the opposite composition. Congrats on the grand-slam.

By the way, may I recommend sunscreen or a long-sleeve shirt? That looks like it is gonna be a bit sore in the morning. :cool:
I was going to respond the same as Jack, both about the trout and about the sunscreen!

I think tiger because brown trout never have any vermiculation (is that a word?), so since this one has it to some extent, it would make sense that it was caused by some brookie genes. Like Jack said, I think this one is just more brownie-dominant.

And VERY nice grand slam, too!