tied my first fly



New member
Jul 10, 2012
well my buddy who has a fly shop in VA sent me a tying kit and a book up this week so thought what the heck and I tired to tie my first pheasant tail nymph size 18 , I know I should have started with a bigger size but wanted to give it a shot let me know what you think .. the beaded head one is one I bought ..

I know I need to taper it more in the back I see that



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That's a good job for your first fly.

My only recommendation would be to tie the tail/start the abdomen back the shank a hair more. Did you tie the tail on the top of the abdomen? That's what it looks like to me.
No I started the tail then went to taper the abdomen but I think that is where I made my mistake hard to tie with grandkids watching over my shoulder will try another after the get to sleep .. also the book I have calls for the wire to be wrapped around the back of the tail then start the wraps forward have to read a little more ..
Be sure to get photos of the grand kids "helping" you tie. You'll be glad you did.
As for the wire. I'd tie the tail in, then tie the wire in on the back of the shank. I'd finish the abdomen, then wrap the wire starting under the shank. That's just me though, and it's been awhile since I tied a Pheasant Tail.

I see what you are saying and that makes sense to me Thanks
A little more on the wire rib. I generally tie my main materials in a rotation of over the hook shank away from me. When I rib with wire I always tie in the wire along the shank on the front side of the hook and start the rib by wrapping under the shank and away from me. This ensures that the wire is being counter wrapped (wrapped in the opposite direction) to the other materials. This technique really adds to the durability that the wire affords, especially when tying with fragile materials like pheasant tail fibers. Really nice job on your first fly. Keep up the good work!
You're off to a great start there. Where the abdomen begins at the tie in point of the tail try to get that tapered smaller. When you begin wrapping the fibers foreword make sure the fibers are separated when you begin the first wrap to start the abdomen, they will lay flatter for you. The bugs that the pheasant tail imitate are very small and slim, quite delicate in form. You're looking good for just starting to tie Pt's.
thanks all for the info it helps .. going to try some more here later on today try and slim them down some ..will post pictures again thanks
The other guys have given you some good pointers. But I just had to say for your first fly, outstanding. I think the first fly I ever tied just looked like a blob of fur on a hook. You are off to a real nice start.

They look fine. A little plump is all.
Looks really good esea and just listen to these gents ... they know their stuff.