Tied my first fly today



Mar 17, 2014

well the picture wont post.. sorry
Cool! At least tell us what pattern you tied?
well I guess the picture did post, it is a black foam ant with some grizzly hackle
As you can see, I edited your post so the picture could display properly. The photo-host site you used shortens the url. I had to dig into that site to find the file expressed as a "jpg."
Very Good~! Clip the bottom hackle so the fly rides flush on the water as an ant would and you've got a winner...

Your doomed,welcome to the world of feathers and fuzzy.
Jack, thank you for doing that, how can I post the picture with out you having to help?

Rleep, should I trim them to the tip of the hook or shorter than that? Or should I just clip some see how it floats and clip more if I need to?

yea I figured I was doomed after I tied this I was saying to myself, we need to go get more material so I can tie all types.

thanks for the input fellas it is much appreciated!!
Makee wrote:

Rleep, should I trim them to the tip of the hook or shorter than that? Or should I just clip some see how it floats and clip more if I need to?

Trim it flush with the bottom of the fly so you just have hackle sticking out to the sides and top. The hackle sticking out to the sides can give the impression of legs and the stuff on top should help make the fly visible to you. Can also imitate wings on a flying ant. Looks good for a first effort.
sweet, thanks for the help guys, I will make sure I do that with all of the ones that I tied.
I agree with what the guys already said. All I can say is keep up the good work. tie more, show more pics, ask questions.

Nice job on your first,

Now your hooked. ;)
Very nice for your first fly and I also agree with what the others said.
Nice job.....

Now you have another aspect of our sport to master.