TiCrX conversion kit - setup & casting question



Apr 26, 2009
Hello everyone-

I just recently purchased a Conversion kit for my TiCrX 8-wt to turn it into 11'3" two-handed switch rod. I haven't gotten the kit yet, but should arrive by the end of next week! Anyway, I'm new to the two-handed world, but am really looking forward to giving it a try. I was curious if anybody out there has any recommendations as far as set-up. I currently have lines including Orvis 8wt WF Wonderline Bass taper & a Rio 8wt WF versi-tip setup. I'm not sure if I'll have to line-up or anything else. Any input will be greatly appreciated.

Also, as I mentioned I'm new to 2-handed rods, so any tips for learning how to cast with a 2-handed rod? I've done a basic Google search & found some decent videos for switch rod casting. Again, any input or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

I'm also in the Lancaster area if that helps. Thanks for any help!
You will not likely be able to cast the rod with a traditional 8wt line. TH'ers are a much different animal all together. The grain weight rating is much higher than a SH'er. For TH overhead casting, I prefer Rio Outbound Short WF10 although Nick Curcione would argue for the 12wt. Otherwise, you need to look at lines that are designed for TH'ers. Casting lessons would be ideal but Rio also has put out a great DVD by Simon Gawesworth.
what kind fo 2handed casting are you looking to do?

Overhead or spey casts

as mentioned, you'll want to over-line when using traditional single hand lines... you don't have the ability to haul to load the rod and shoot line... you you need the extra mass in the line to do so... outbound shorts are good shooting head options, and the "short" makes it so you don't need to carry as much line to load and shoot

using it for spey casts can be a bit more tricky
you setup is a good one for figuring out if you like the stle of casting and to learn to basics... but with a bit of time you will be looking for a rod designed specficly for spey casting (be it a switch or full 2hander)... line wise... thats a lot more information, that starts with what---
- what kind of flies?
- how deep do you want to fish?
- size of water?

that setup is a great tool... a single hadn 8 or the option to dabble into 2handers
Thanks for the info. At this point I'm just looking to experiment with the 2-handed rod & see what I might be able to do with it.
- As far as where I plan to use it - steelheading in Great Lakes/Erie, possibly surf/salt water, & maybe even for some river fishing
- As far as flies will likely be using weight flies of some sort - Clouser style mainly, but for steelheaded just using typical nymph & egg patterns
- As far as how deep I plan to fish - I'm not sure, I guess it depends where I'll be. I'm assuming depth is somewhat determined by which fly line I would pick.

Will definitely be a learning experience I'm sure, but hopefully a fun one!