Tick Advice for "New" Outdoorsmen

Ticks, Skeeters, they are attracted to certain scents coming from our pores. I have two daughters and myself, who seem to be magnets, while others around us are not getting bit. Someone said, "sweet" scents. I don't think Stagger is far off in that garlic would help. I like garlic, so I'll be adding that to my diet. It stays with you for sure.

It's the "fogging" aspect of garlic that might keep most two-legged critters away from me. Not that's this always a bad thing either...
Hell, to skeeters, I'm a freakin 7 course meal.........if garlic helps, I'll eat a clove a day!
Foxgap239 wrote:
I have a crazy question about ticks. I sure hope I don't jinx myself saying it but is it possible that certain people have something in their pores that will cause ticks to avoid that person? I only ask this because I do not always spray myself when fishing and I can't ever remember getting ticks on me. Others I have been with did but not me.

Inquiring minds and all. :)

I'm tempted here to slide in a Beckerian-inspired wize crack , but....

Fox you raise an interesting theory here. There was a time back in the 90's when i didn't use bug juice of any kind to prevent all the insect nasties, most especially ticks.

I went on for a good while never once coming home with a tick on board - and that was probably a good 7 year run. Then one day I found a tick, half inflated in my hairline, just above my forehead on the left size. My sense was that fell out a tree and into my head.

Are there those that have some 'resistence' of sorts? Maybe. But it might be a matter of you simply providing them little opportunity to crawl on board. It may be that simple.

But like you I think no one has any resistence to mosquitos and I haven't found one topical solution that 100% prevents any and all insects from having me for lunch. But I am open for suggestions?

For the most I do go out forgetting to put bug sprays on and haven't come home with any ticks, that said I had one on my leg a couple of weeks back while working in my yard.

Anyway, if you do decide to eat cloves of garlic as insect kryptonite, just make sure you bring along ample amounts (just shy of a box) of breath mints the next day, most especially if you intend to fish with a partner and share techniques.

I've always believed any animal or insect with a nose uses it as part of its defense system. Some obviously more than others. They usually know what "danger" smells like, but if they can't identify a scent, or lose their sense of smell, they usually move on. My strategy, when keeping animals out of sheds, etc. is based on that theory.

Take away their sense of smell and they lose a part of their defense system. So, a few moth balls in the shed usually does the trick. If their sense of smell is overwhelmed, they would most likely run down to the next shed, garden, whatever. Why risk sticking around, if one of their defenses has been impaired?? I don't know. Maybe there's not fact behind it, but it has worked for me.

Pickled garlic cloves infused with habaneros are amazing.

Lol Beckerian
By the way, when you do manage to catch one of those little buggers on you (ticks that is), feed em up to their cousins, the spider, if you happen to see a web nearby. It's fun watching them suffer.
Damn! I had a big spider run a nice web on the deck and didn't think of that. Of course, since I had stripped down, the neighbors probably wouldn't have appreciated that little scene.
SBecker wrote:
Pickled garlic cloves infused with habaneros are amazing.

Lol Beckerian

An excerpt from the book: A Beckerian Inspired Fisherman's Guide to Healthy Eating. At stores near you.
joseywales wrote:
Damn! I had a big spider run a nice web on the deck and didn't think of that. Of course, since I had stripped down, the neighbors probably wouldn't have appreciated that little scene.

This one's ripe for a Berkerian quip, but yes, I'd agree that would have been quite unsightly.

Going to trade mark that.
Stagger wrote:

You eat too much garlic

Foxy wrote:

Well, if it keeps the little buggers away, I would have to disagree that it is too much!

Wish I was fishing next to you last Sat .. your stench could've been my built in excuse :lol:
Josey wrote:

I don't think Stagger is far off in that garlic would help. I like garlic, so I'll be adding that to my diet. It stays with you for sure.

It is known to help, especially on dogs, and is very healthy. I love italian food and more garlic the merrier ... just not getting lucky with the better half that night
Yea because it is the garlic that stops you from getting lucky. Good one......
Foxgap239 wrote:
I have a crazy question about ticks. I sure hope I don't jinx myself saying it but is it possible that certain people have something in their pores that will cause ticks to avoid that person? I only ask this because I do not always spray myself when fishing and I can't ever remember getting ticks on me. Others I have been with did but not me.

Inquiring minds and all. :)

Must be all the kimchee and haggis you eat.
And now back to our regularly scheduled program...

Guess what...I just got home. ****'s Permethrin IS Sawyer. I can see well enough to tie a fly, but didn't see SAWYER stamped on the side of the yellow can! Honestly, im my defense, it's faded grey print and really downplayed. I wonder if that's intentional.

Oh, and it was 9oz aerosol for $6.99 (Now $7.99). I was getting confused with their spray bottle, which works just as well. But I figured I'd spill more with that, which I would. I was told to wear gloves when using the spray bottle, because it tends to dribble out.
joseywales wrote:
And now back to our regularly scheduled program...

Love it, way to get us back on track..............oops here goes the kickball vearing off again.................

You guys have no idea how many re-writes I did on my first post on this. I was like "nope H-A will bust that" or "nope Becker will be relentless if I word it that way". It's tough being the Kickball!
Sbecker wrote:

Yea because it is the garlic that stops you from getting lucky. Good one......

hey now .. its been 17 years together. That was her excuse this week :)
I accidently sprayed some bug dope on my clock and now........

Wait for it.......

It only goes tock-tock-tock :-D
I'm not even going to comment on that poor excuse for a joke!