Thread Labels Stay Put


New member
Jun 18, 2018
What are you doing to adhere thread labels to your spools? I've tried a lot of adhesives ( glue stick, varnish, CA, UV resin) but have not been successful…………..HELP!
i dont use many different brands so i know what the thread is. but if it falls off then it falls off or the bead on the arm holds it on
I'm confused..... You mean so you know what thread the spool is? I've never had a label come off of a spool.
That's another of the reasons I switched to Gudebrod on the small spools, the size is stamped on the edge of the spool.

Even though I really don't have this problem, "glue stick, varnish, CA, UV resin" are probably the worst choices for gluing a paper label onto plastic.

I concur with Les that a contact cement like Barge should do the trick. I would use their TF (Toluene Free) product that comes in blue packaging over the original stuff in yellow & red packaging.

Good luck!