Those unplanned little outings



Well-known member
Mar 14, 2012
Lancaster, PA
This morning I had a little extra time before I had to meet my co-worker to travel to Dauphin County for the work day. I decided instead of sitting around the house until it was time to leave that I would check out one of my local carp holes to see what was happening before I needed to get on the road. I arrived there at 6:30 AM and found conditions to be absolutely "perfect" with a number of carp rooting and actively feeding with their tails up in the air. Many of these carp were very "catchable" fish. I absolutely had to be on the road to my meeting destination by 7:00 AM. Not a lot of time but I just couldn't resist this opportunity.

The mini goal that I set for myself was to get my gear all ready to go, stick one, fight it, land it, release it and get everything packed back up and into my truck to leave for work before 7 AM. My 1X tippet was really short (about 1 foot long) but I didn't have time to swap out a new tippet so I went with the short one. It was now 6:35 AM and I had my gear all ready to go. I picked out a likely fish to target and worked myself into position for the all important first cast. The cast was true and it landed about 8 inches in front of and a bit off to the side of the carp. The carp immediately turned to the fly and I waited for the slight resistance in the line and set the hook. The take was subtle but the first hard run by the 25" carp was not as it dumped about half of my fly line. After dodging the net 2 or 3 times I landed and released the carp in short order. After packing everything back up I got back into my truck and the clock on my dashboard read 6:49 AM. The unfortunate part of this story is that it is glaring example of the hectic lifestyles that we lead today but it was definitely a new kind of challenge. I have done this type of fishing before and sometimes it works but most times it does not. Sometimes you just got to give it a shot and let it unfold before you. You just never know!



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Heckuva a way to start a day - some fine motivation.
It's always nice when a plan comes together.

I plan to scout for more carp spots this weekend. Most of my current ones have too much negative pressure.