Thin Mint Woolly Bugger... my version



Well-known member
Aug 6, 2013
It occurred to me I comment in this section, but don't contribute.

So here it is, a thin mint woolly bugger. I add green krystal flash in the tail and chartreuse wire, as well as the wire/loon glue head.

It's a typical woolly bugger.

Tail: Brown/Black/Olive marabou
Wire: Chartreuse
Hackle: Brown
Body: Peacock Herl (I use 4-6 herls).
Lead: I use .020, about 10-12 wraps.


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Oh, it's electric! Cool bugger, what water does that work best for you? Clear, murky?
High and slightly off color seems to be the most productive, but that's predominantly when I fish buggers so my data is biased.
Interesting. I had never thought of using multiple colors of marabou in the tail of a bugger. I like the chartreuse wire head too. Do you think it would seal OK with a couple coats of Sally Hansen? I don't have any clear curing glues. Or maybe some 5 minute epoxy would do it... I do still have some of that, I think.
Looks good. I really like the idea of using peacock for the body. I will have to try that.

Looks great. I like to tie some of mine with multi colored tails. I often do a dace bugger that is a brown bugger with grizzly hackle, but for the tail I put a white, black and brown marabou on it.

I don't use wire on my buggers though. Might be something to look at.
Thanks for the compliments guys.

I tied up some brown and burnt orange buggers with red wire and head as well.

Jeremy, I'd say five minute epoxy would work. Though I've not used it specifically I've seen it used on nymphs. I would highly recommend the loon UV glue. I was skeptical, and it's not cheap, but I've found many uses for it besides just wingcases, which I bought it for.

Mike, I like the idea of the bugger you described. I plan to tie some white and black buggers tonight. I've used wire on buggers for years. I always thought it helped with longevity, but who knows.