The winter must have been more severe than I'd realized.



Well-known member
Jun 18, 2014
It's March16th an not a peep about "are the olives hatching?" or no predictions on the start of the Grannom hatch. What's up with that? You guys are slipping!
i saw an olive today. and something really big and brown alongside the Brandywine at lunch.

does that help ?
krayfish2 wrote:
It's March16th an not a peep about "are the olives hatching?" or no predictions on the start of the Grannom hatch. What's up with that? You guys are slipping!

Saw a lot of olives at the grocery store the other day......
"Bartender, bartender, what's that olive doing in my martini?"

"Looks like the breast stroke."

Grannoms will be 4/15 give or take two weeks.
Now someone is going to ask about grannoms starting on April 1st.

Thanks Jack.
Jack nailing it down to a month for the starting date. LOL. I'd have to agree with that call.
I've been out 4 times in the last week now, and got the skunk every single time. A few midges and olives but nothing prolific. The waters around me are taking a beating from snow melting. It's just been terrible. So I keep trying, but mostly going out to be outside and get exercise. Felt good to hike to the top of my "mountain" today.
K2, walk out your to the river and look…you will have more critters there than on the wimpy little trickles commonly fished by PAFF participants. (there will be much larger trout too…)
So thats your secret you use olives!!!!
I killed a freaking mosquito in my truck yesterday... does that count for anything?
ahhh, the grannoms, I've been on penns a number of times during the grannom blizzard and not one damn fish rising!!!
so yeah, you can keep your F-ing grannoms!!!
RLee would tell you to fish a Green Drake during the blizzard Grannom hatch. I would say a sparkle emerger.
Mosquito?....Those are called's a hint - they don't bite and trout love them
Yeah, my bro told me he had mosquitos in his car. I said crane fly or midges. Don't skeeters need water temps 60 or above to hatch?
Just saw (2) large olives, surrounded by a very dry martini. Shaken, not stirred.
Green or black??
The early stone flies have been around for a few weeks, that's a plus.

Here's a pic of the West Branch of the D from the DRC site:



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And the Peeps haven't even peeped. :)