the V-word



Jul 28, 2010
V is for Valley. Though the very mention of this venerable SEPA waterway invites some untoward apoplexy, a certain threesome of PAFFers dared to wet lines there this morning and, by golly they liked it. Also liked was the temperate weather (upper 70's), the nominal breezes, the water temp (63) and the occasional sighting of deleriously wayward green or light tanned winged bugs (#18-#22).
Not to name names, BUT the above mentioned PAFFers MAY have included docsab, JTvolks-something and his plus 1. Pics of other likeable things in and around the V-word Creek included FREE!



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Is that Gaylord Focker in the first pic? :lol:
Too bad. I fished the big "V' from 7:00 A.M. until 1:00 in a secret section about which I cannot speak. Wish I had known where you were. Would love to meet you guys. Offered to meet the"Doc" but got no response.

Bummer Prof. Would like to meet you...maybe next time...then the traditional 5 Guys Beefapalooza afterwards...
Beefapalooza????? Not clue what it is, but sounds good to me!!!!!
Beefapalooza....5 Guys burgers are about half a cow's worth of beef...Shame they don't have beer. Would've made a fine finish to the day.



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Thought you meant five guys fishing. LOL. Glad you got some fish on the big "V". It's actually not as difficult as some might want you to believe. I'd ask you where you fished, but I might get arrested!!!!!
I was honored to be under the tutelage of a couple of masters. Of course I am referring to our time at 5 guys burgers!

Sorry I missed you prof- my fault for not being more vigilant with my inbox-perhaps we all can meet again soon for an encore?

Encrypted time and meeting location to follow...

I fished the "v-word" from 5:45 til 10 this morning and caught 3 small ones. One of the little guys was as big as my thumb.
Quick question from a new guy? (4-5 months experience)
What were the size 16-18 little Grey flies you were using? I thought the fish seemed to be rising very occasionally today compared to my last visit. Did you note this as well? I had my takes on a black and or cinnamon Parachute ant. My nymphs were untouched today when I tried. Any tactical advice from your observations today would be greatly appreciated. Kind Regards, wvuandy
Wvuandy - the fly from the action photo above = soft hackle elk caddis, light grey with some medium brown highlights. Great pattern for the "V"... as is the zebra midge, or any adams type grey little thing. Like you, we saw a couple bugs coming off today, but i believe the right honorable JT got into a couple fish on top with his home made ants, which i vote he names 'Sexual Chocolate'. As for
the doc, he rocked the green weenie for a while - JT and he could better describe what ever else they were throwing. As for noticing +/- risers, seems like less for this time of year given the decent weather and cool nights this Aug.
As for tactics_ that's always quixotic on "V", but i've had some wee success working the sides w/ bivisible dries or ants, chutes down the middle.
We're sure to clod-hop around there again before too long & maybe we can all link up.

Thank you for your feedback. Great use of the word "quixotic" -
I really enjoy this learning process and the challenge to catch wild browns is addictive. I need to try new water over there as I find myself staying in one little spot where I've caught a few fish and feel comfortable.

Much appreciated ! -wvuandy
Gee thanks for the invite ladies! I see how it is.
delta_dog wrote:
Gee thanks for the invite ladies! I see how it is.

My bad...Mea Culpa....
Prof's secret place will give JayL a stroke. Hint "TREE".
Why even post this, it's not helpful to anyone. It's simply flaunting knowledge of a stream, get a life.
Chaz wrote:
Why even post this, it's not helpful to anyone. It's simply flaunting knowledge of a stream, get a life.

I agree. I grow tired of the spot burn police as WELL as the Na-Na Na Na Na guys. It's old, it's tired, it's aggravating.
afishinado wrote:
I agree. I grow tired of the spot burn police as WELL as the Na-Na Na Na Na guys. It's old, it's tired, it's aggravating.

Afish...that is why we have country and......western!
...and there aren't any "secret" spots on Valley, not any more at least. Although there is a 1 mile stretch where there are no fish.
Good point, Fade. Country /Western... Foil/Epee... Potato Bug/Potahto Bug... Whatever perspective works, but i get A-Fish's frustration as well with the teaser Clue references (was it Colonel Mustard, with the 4wt, and the rope, near the Tree?)
Serious question .. what gives with all this spot burn stuff?

Seems some guys get defensive abt spot burning and others are more than happy to discuss locations. Believe me I have no secret spots but got reamed once for asking a question. I just moved on and didn't answer but kind of felt that some questions are off limits.

Is there a policy and/or 'secret' code of conduct on the board?
