The trouble with rock chucking

Don't throw stones in the stream.
Throw stoners in the stream.
I fished with a guy that "stoned the pool" he missed alot of stikes that afternoon.

This is the type of advice that is priceless. There are all of these "guru's" telling you to approach slowly. Don't make a ripple. Wear camo, don't cast a shadow......oh and if that don't get you into fish shot put some schist right into the middle of a slow deep pool.

From a conservation point stoning the outside edge of a curve serves a huge purpose hydrologically speaking. Water makes kinetic leaps. It flows in braids and hits the bank dead on at a high velocity. The loss of energy from impact causes a kinetic leap; the flow slows and the bank is eroded.

A little riprap goes a long way in absorbing the weathering ability of water.
Eh, the stoners don't hurt anyone. Let them be. They are just lookin for a good time, just like anyone else.

Unless you mean the ones who are doing the stream stoning, of course. Even so, it's still mean to get them wet.
And placing rip rap along an outside bend channelizes that section causes further erosion downstream and, flattens out the pool so much so that the pool disapears. It also deflects the flow from under the bank that would otherwise flow through the substrate of the bank so rip rap also warms the water, or more correctly since water flow through the bank cools the water, rip rap doesn't allow the cooling.
As for stoning a pool if one must throw stones to "wake up a pool" perhaps one should learn to fish, not all trout are caught on dry flies, that would make things too easy. But stoning a pool, give me a break.