The Spring Jamboree is Back! May 20-22, 2022

Hit spring on Thursday and Saturday, Penns on Friday and Sunday. A brookie stream or two during the day as well. Bugs and lots of rising fish were found at all. Every night, every stream, but it didn't majorly turn on till 9ish like normal. In 4 days brought around 70-80 to hand total. Sunday was my worst day, only 2, but a big one at about 17", plus the rattler and a bald eagle. Saturday was the best day numbers wise.

Was an absolutely great weekend. Awesome to see everyone. Some random pics.

This is a spinner swarm
A great weekend, well, 5 days of fishing. Explored some new, hit some that i havent in a while, and just generally kicked back and relaxed, trying to forget about the drudgery of daily life! Great seeing everyone again! Late nights made for some foggy mornings, but I wouldnt have it any other way!
Nice jam. Great to see familiar faces.
Fished a bunch of streams.
Landed three Brookies on the Penn’s in a row like never before.
Took a shot of turtle at Poe Paddy Valley.
When you walk the small fresh grass islands always check for ducks feather (nice for memories and tying flies later)👍
Sunday around noon time landed an awesome big wild Brown, surprisingly not many people there.
This made my day.

Spring Creek, Island, PA,l.jpg
Spring Creek Tree, PA,l.jpg
Wild Brown Trout, Spring Creek, PA,l.jpg
Turtle and  Shadow, Poe Valley Creek, PA,l.jpg
Rod and Feather on the Spring Creek, PA,l.jpg
Brook Trout from Penn's Creek. PA,i.jpg

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My kid is a teacher so it could have been just us. But yeah we got it. Like a bad cold I can't take to work. So I'm off till next week. He's 25 with no symptoms. His girlfriend tested positive too. Art was with us, he tested today with a good result.
Really enjoyed catching up with everybody over the weekend.
And the fishing - in spite of the hot weather - wasn't bad either.

Nice to have the big streams running at normal flows for a change.
I never even had to think about resorting to the fat girl at the singles bar - Spring Creek.
My kid is a teacher so it could have been just us. But yeah we got it. Like a bad cold I can't take to work. So I'm off till next week. He's 25 with no symptoms. His girlfriend tested positive too. Art was with us, he tested today with a good result.
Oof, the same one with poison ivy that day? Hopefully everyone heals soon!
I really had a great time at the Jam. It was good to spend time on the stream with Shakey and watch his technique with wet flies. It was good to spend time with Tom Gamber and his sons Joe and Adam. Tom really knows his way around the cooking scene. He put out really great food that I really enjoyed.
Watching Joe and Adam, the younger generation of fly fishermen, work a stretch of water bodes well for our sport. Seeing old faces and meeting new ones always is a treat.
Fishing seemed to be off with poor hatches and little surface activity. I did manage to find one trout at The Paradise that I fooled into taking a Hares Ear Nymph. No skunk for the old guy.
Thanks again to everyone for making this a memorable time.
Simply Awesome! I had not fished in 7 to 8 years and was glad to pick up the rod again and see some old faces.
JDaddy and I helped some new people catch their first fish ever. Bluegills for the win at Poe Paddy Lake.


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