The Run???



Feb 6, 2013
I am thinking of getting out on Monday and hitting the Run. Any good flies to tie and fish?
Try something that looks like bread
try scuds in size 16-18 olive. small caddis pupae olive. Black buggers work sometimes first thing in the morning.
Cheeto flies are killer :-o
Small midges do well.
Small orange egg flies (size 16-18).

And seriously, not just because it looks like a Cheeto crumb.
I find the puffy style easier to bait the hook with, they don't crumble as much as the crunchy. But the puffs dissolve quicker in the water.
Many jest about the Run and what "bait" to use, however, it is poached beyond belief. It isn't a secret yet there is no enforcement whatsoever.

Sadly The Run is a far cry from what it used to be!

Bread fly below the bridge!!!!!!!!!!!
Sadly The Run is a far cry from what it used to be!

I'm curious.

What was it before, that it isn't now?
Honeybug...pale yellow #14.

FYI...I love the spinner folk who thread a bare hook through a cigarette butt during the infamous bread hatch at the dam or wooden foot bridge. Lots of times, it was one guy chumming while the other fished. As for the poaching...Joe is right. I have caught guys sticking trout up under the wooden bridge or down their boots. I have also seen guys drop down to the dam, rip a quick trout out and then leave. I used to be local in my younger days, so I have fished it a lot. Now, I avoid it like the plague- stream etiquette is out the window there.
Not many years ago, the Run was well maintained and loaded with trout, Both the State and Breeches Anglers provided many of the fish.

The lot was full of out of state tags as it was a destination stream. Recently a leak in the wall and a sink hole have necessitated the release of the lake level. The water is diverted not into the Run but the mud hole behind the swimming pool. Low water level has made it real easy for the Heron to eat well. That and the poaching have pretty much decimated it. Very few fly fishers bother with it any longer.
The run was a destination stream? Its 40 yards long. I think the breeches is more of a destination than the run by far.
Yes, it may be small but many made the trip just to fish the run!
I've been there a few times over the years. Recall tremendous Sulfer hatch there one evening thirty yrs ago. Are the hatcjes still good? I've seen good BWOs there throughout the year. Caught many while it was snowing one time on Blue Wings.

I've seen poachers there on more than one occasion.We saw a guy carry a stringer of big ones out years ago. my Grandfather said something to the guy about the signs saying catch and release and he said "I can't read". Kids fish it with bait all the time from what I've seen.

They do like bread. Saw a guy fishing a "fly" that looked like a whole slice of bread one time. It had hooks dangling off the sides. The trout would come up and put their mouths right on it. Amazing.

I like places like The Run. I wish Fishermans Paradise on Spring was still a showplace like that. It is a spectacle but also something really neat about it. It's fun especially when you are a kid. Anyone who doesn't like that sort of thing needs to lighten up and go find their "inner kid".
Those places are a feather in the hat of Fish Comm and local clubs (especially if well maintained and patrolled).

I like to just look at all the fish in there. The Fish Comm might be well served to keep places like The Run going. They might just inspire someone to become a lifelong angler and environmentalist like me!
Arkansas has the right idea. they have a stretch of creek like the Run and it is set aside for fly only and for kids only. Loaded with nice fish. Youngsters go there and learn to fly fish and actually can catch some nice ones. I believe it is a tributary to the White River. Would be a nice idea for The Run.
There are many elderly locals who find the run easily accessible. However, because of the poaching and lack of concern by FBC and the local game commission officers, many no longer find it enjoyable.

Poacher have become very brazen and could care less regarding the regulations. Some have even become threatening when the regs. are pointed out to them.
My grandfather would take me to fish the Breeches when I was young, and we'd always have lunch at the run and watch the poachers. He is a dyed in the wool bait and spin guy who like his legal harvest. He instilled appreciation of the resource and the regs that try to promote it. The difference is that back then, poachers actually got fined to help dissuade that activity.

While still a circus, at least the in stream improvements appear to have assisted the wild fish. I never fish the run or the special reg section of the Breeches, but I'm told its very common to find young wild fish, especially in the Run.

It would be nice to see more enforcement in special reg areas, and a paradigm shift toward more water that supports wild fish being placed under c&r regs.
IMHO PAFBC WCO would rather catch some doing actual criminal police duties rather and a few fish poached. I've experienced DCNR Officers doing more WCO duties in State Parks Than PAFBC Officers on other waterways.
I'm all for places like the run and I hope they take care of it moving forward. As mentioned before, it is a great place to take a kid and teach them how to fly fish. It also serves a great purpose for the elderly. What a great mesh if it could be better tended too and enforced a little better. My daughter is just getting to the age where she can wade and fish, so I'll be up there a few times this year with her. I hope it can return to the state it was in when I started learning how to fly fish. Sad if they let a place like that go.