the run?



Feb 6, 2013
I am thinking I may go to the yellow breeches on Thursday and try to fish the run. If I do that where is it actually stocked versus open water?
Not sure what you mean by "actually stocked versus open water" since the Breeches is stocked for pretty much its entire length where there's public access and as such is an ATW, except in the C&R stretch that begins with the Run and extends downstream approx 1 mile to the lower end of the Allenberry property.
robkonowitch wrote:
I am thinking I may go to the yellow breeches on Thursday and try to fish the run. If I do that where is it actually stocked versus open water?

The Run is a tributary of Yellow Breeches and is stocked (it is only about 100 yards) and is managed as catch and release.

Note Tomitrout's accurate description of Yellow Breeches above.
Also you will be able to see 80% of the fish in the run. Don't be afraid to fish where you don't see fish, they are there too. IE the current breaks and all. The earlier in the day you get there, the better the bite.
Take this for what its worth (probably not much); I've only fished the Breeches 2 times. Both times I only caught fish in the run and both times they were fish I didn't see.

I saw a lot of fish but couldn't catch the ones I could see.

Thanks. I like Allenberry but what to try something new. I have been to the run before and need to find the best place to fish it.
Run is very short and you will probably only fish it a few hours at most, especially if it happens to be crowded. I had quite a few hits but couldn't hook up down below in the stretch below where the run "runs" in to YB. It's nice water.
When fishing to the fish you can see in the run, just watch for the fish's mouth to open and set the hook. But I agree with above comments, you catch more fish that you don't see than you do see.
Use bread patterns. :lol: