The Olive Birdsnest

Do you have any pictures of some good wet flies Jay? Last trip I found that I need to start tying/fishing more wet flies. I am probably getting material on friday too...
I actually mostly fish soft hackles weighted, on the dead drift like nymphs. I'll usually give them a little swing at the end of the drift. I'm not real big on traditional swinging.

For that reason, my wets are more like soft hackled nymphs.

If you plan to fish anywhere that bugs should be emerging, give them a shot. Basically, I just take a known nymph pattern for the hatch, make the body thinner (in the case of the MB, it still turns out pretty fat), do away with wing cases, and put two turns of partridge at the head.

I made a bunch of BH soft hackle march browns last night. My Yellow PT soft hackles (I call it the spring time soft hackle) are mostly done.

Size 12 hook
Brass bead
Tail: a few long strands of pheasant
Rib: copper wire
Body: Delaware river club yellow/brown. You can use any brownish yellow dubbing, and could probably get away with an olive cast to it too.
Hackle: brownish partridge. The barbs should be approx shank length.

Tie in the tails and the wire. Dub a nice fat MB body with a nice taper. Stop about a turn or two of dubbing width behind the bead. Rib, tie and trim wire. Make two turns of partridge, then dub to the bead and finish.

Springtime soft hackle:
Size 12-18
Brass bead
Tail: yellow dyed or natural PT
Rib: copper
Body: The PT from the tail, wrapped around the shank.

Tie in tail and wire. Basically tie a PT nymph, but wrap the PT fibers up to the bead. Leave a little space, but not much. Make two wraps of partridge. I prefer bleached, but darker stuff works too. Sweep the hackle back and put a few wraps in front of it. You can also put a wisp of peacock ice dub in front of it. Finish.

I tie the second one very thin. The soft hackle becomes very full when wet, and makes the fly look bigger.

I'll try to post a pic of each tonight or tomorrow.
Thanks jay!