The night before fishing



Well-known member
Jun 1, 2015
Made the trek up to Western Maryland to fish the savage tomorrow(Sunday). No matter how much I fish in my life I can't sleep the night before the first day out. I'm like a kid on Christmas eve. Thought I might outgrow that but seeing that I'm about to be 40 not so sure anymore.
I have trouble sleeping the first night anywhere. Camp, hotel, relatives' house...second night and after I'm fine but that first night is just rolling.
Considering that I go fishing nearly every day then I'd be dead of exhaustion by now. I always sleep just fine. If I'm overly excited I'll just keep having "one more beer" until I have to sleep.
Yep, same for me. Especially with big trips or an outing I’m especially excited for that involves new water I haven’t explored before. Funny how common that is in anglers. Your mind just races with the possibilities of what the next day has in store.

Booze can help, but now in my mid 30’s, I find that sometimes I skip the buzzy/sleepy stage and go straight to the headache...and that’s not fun, so I don’t really try that any more. I’ve gotten used to not sleeping well the night before a fishing trip due to being excited. It’s a good thing to feel that way, and I don’t let it bother me any more. I usually sleep pretty good after a day fishing and catch up then.
Do you ever get skunked in your dreams? In my dreams, I sometimes can never even get to the stream-- it's like the Jamboree.
tomgamber wrote:
I have trouble sleeping the first night anywhere. Camp, hotel, relatives' house...second night and after I'm fine but that first night is just rolling.

Yep - me too.
JackM wrote:
Do you ever get skunked in your dreams? In my dreams, I sometimes can never even get to the stream-- it's like the Jamboree.

See Swattie's advice further up about booze and sleep. :cool:
With respect to regular, night before a local, day trip of fishing - which describes most of my fishing - I don't think I have trouble with sleep (anymore touble than normal).

It's just the vacation type trips where you're sleeping away from home where the problem exists for me, at least on that first night.

I also tire easier than I used to and a full day of fishing usually has me pooped out and snoozing.
I couldn't sleep one night before a fishing trip so in an act of pure desperation I hammered down a bottle of rum. I don't recommend it..
The kid in me gets excited even at my age. Since sleep is a cat nap it works out ok. An all day deal equates to a wiped out day after.
Trout fishing is really pretty simple compared to a day out on the boat. It's much more labor intensive to prepare the day before,put out bait traps,check oil and gas levels, fix lunch, put coolers in the boat, put electronics on board sort tackle for the next days fishing. AM of the day fishing is put tackle on board, ice down lunch and drinks, lines on before launch Hook up truck and trailer and drive to ramp and launch the boat. Pick up bait traps and dump in the live well and then head out. Spend 6 to 8 hours off shore then come in and reverse the morning routine. Add in washing the boat and tackle and on a good day cleaning fish. A couple of beers and a cat nap before bed time. Spend the next day recuperating. Oh, but it is so much fun!! :cool: GG
I have heard it said that once you don't have a little trouble sleeping the night before fishing, it's time to give up fishing.
i have the same thing and sometimes i have too many beers, wake up at 6am exhausted and don't go fishing.

if i quit drinking i'd surely fish more. especially on saturday mornings each side of DST.
SurfCowboyXX wrote:
I have heard it said that once you don't have a little trouble sleeping the night before fishing, it's time to give up fishing.

How about if you have a little trouble sleeping the night before going to work the next day?

Does the same concept apply?

ryansheehan wrote:
Made the trek up to Western Maryland to fish the savage tomorrow(Sunday). No matter how much I fish in my life I can't sleep the night before the first day out. I'm like a kid on Christmas eve. Thought I might outgrow that but seeing that I'm about to be 40 not so sure anymore.

Twas the night before fishing, when all thro' the house
Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse (fly);
The waders are hung in the basement with care,
In hopes that the day will end up to be fair;
My gear is all nestled in back of the truck
With visions of lunkers and hopes of good luck!

It's great to have something to look forward and get you any age. Even more so when you get older.
We all have a lot in common. I get really jacked up before big trips or trips to new water. I usually hit some bourbon before bed so I sleep somewhat well. The morning of the trip it is energy drinks all the way so I have my mojo for the drive and once I hit the water.
I don't sleep well to begin with, so it's not really an issue any time. But at sixty, I get the very same sense of anticipation of a fishing trip that I got when I first started trout fishing. The night before, it's pretty much all I think about. For me, trout fishing's not just a pass time or activity, it's somewhat of an obsession.
Yes get keyed in night before, but spend time planning once I have a new place I want to go. Have one in mind now, don't see why it wouldnt have access and fish, but will have to find out.