The new steelhead medicine



Active member
Jan 7, 2010
I tyed acouple of 3.5 inch san juan worms for my next trip. I'm goin with pink, brown, caddis green and chartruese.

It's the LW Super Juan. I tie them for steelhead, but also have caught local stockies on them.

Good fly, and it gets the attention of fish that haven't seen it yet.

Nice tie.
Nice looking fly, I have not tried that particular variation.

Found this one today in the MidCurrent newsletter. If you're planning on heading to the Tribs this week once the water comes down, that could be a deadly choice.

Looking forwad to an update on the the success of this pattern upon your return.
Yea I'm hopin to get up there this week or next. Depending on weather and work. I think that some of those off the wall worm patterns could be the ticket. Seeing that most of this fish in the tribs have seen just about every variation of buggers, eggs and nymphs allready.
I'm even gonna tye some in king fisher blue. I had some fish on my blue crystal meth so I figured it might be a good choice.

Allthought I thought the purple and the burmt orange would be good also.

Twist two strands together, burn them closed at the ends?
Long strand doubled over. Follow the method in the link I posted.
I had tried them last year thinking they might be a relatively underutilized presentation for steel. I didn't get much of a response from the fish. I don't think I've tied one on since.
Admittedly though, I only gave them a limited time test!
jayL wrote:
Long strand doubled over. Follow the method in the link I posted.

I'm not doing good today at all, no I got that, I meant to twine two colours together, IE the orange/purple.

Twist 'em up, burn the ends which should melt the synthetic thread, twisted, banded, goofy san juans.

Or glue, I guess, but fire's more fun.
Don't see why it wouldn't work.
I ended up burning the twisted ends of mine just like the original san juans. And as far as spinnin' them together I did that on some generic nymphs they end lookin like a candy cane.

I've done really well on pink san juans, I've caught 2 of my biggest wild brookies this season on it.

I never brought this 1 to hand.
That loop SW is something new and i'm going to try that one , a pink SW at certain times drives those native Brookies nuts , tied in natural colors with a "collar" of floss is a good one too.
you gots to try this:
Before I picked up the fly rod for steel and used the noodle rod, I used to get into them pretty good with soft plastic worms in pink that I would buy at Poor Richard's.

I probably don't use these enough on steel or trout for that matter, but I have always found the greatest success with a worm pattern, during or after a rain. Just as the link for the varition of the SJW I had posted mentions.

I have not tried or tied the Eggi Juan, but have always heard good things.
made some with egg yarn and hot glue, but never used 'em. they just seem too silly.
ever try the pattern eggs and bacon its like the eggi luan kenobi but the worm part is red pearl core diamond braid with a glo bug in the middle around the worm