the letort



Sep 9, 2006
want to fish THE LETORT just so I can say I did!
Went on a web site by someone who claims to be an expert on the Letort.
He says the stream is in bad shape and does not reccomend fishing it at this time. I get the impression he is not just talking about this individual time but just overall he does not like the direction the stream is going. However he did give me info i asked to get to the stream and fish. wished me good luck. Is this stream in bad shape ? or is this guy just trying to discourage folks from fishing it. I realize this stream is DIFFICULT none the less. Hard to fish and hard to hook fish. Is it worth a 2hour trip for me.
I am no novice I have been flying for 30 yrs. Just want to give it a try.

Steve, if you want to fish it, by all means it's there to be fished. Don't know who you were in contact with, but that stream looks the same to me for the last 10 years. If he gave you some directions on where to fish, have at it. Besides, if you get sick of the Letort, Yellow B is only 10 min away..........good luck
The Letort is in good shape.

There's a common view that the Letort is "dead" or "a shadow of its former self" etc etc.
To be sure, the stream is not without it's problems - sinkholes, land development, litter from town run off etc. However, recent electrofishing surveys reveal strong populations of wild brown trout that range from stable to increases of several fold over the last decade or so. Keep in mind that, during the glory days of this stream - roughly the period from WW2 until about 1980, the lower Letort north of Carlisle had no trout due to pollution. Today, this section gets better every year and currently holds a very good population of fish. Take a look at the many pics and fishing reports about this stream here on PAFF, there's plenty of good info on this message board.
Give it a try.
Maybe not what it used to be. Fine. That blows my mind, because even today, there are more big fish in the letort than most any other streams proportional to its size. Sure there are definite issues with the stream stemming from the land use in the area, but come on, it's still loaded with fish. (So basically, what FI said!). If you happen to be coming down next fri, I'll be fishing in the area. We could meet up if you'd like and I could show you a few techniques that have worked for me. Good luck!
Like any urban stream, it's going to have its problems. The cress farm upstream and the apartment housing along the lower part of the FF area don't help. I live less than a mile from it and fish it at certain times of the year. Currently, little BWO's are coming off in the evening - I not only see them on the stream, but they really like my garage doors:) I haven't seen any sulphurs, yet, or flying ants.
I'll echo what Fishidiot said - the lower part below the Barracks just keeps getting better. I got hooked one late November evening when BWO's were coming off down there.
If you don't mind me asking, who is this expert to whom you spoke? If you don't want to post it online please PM it to me. I fish there a ton and very curious.
Agree with all above. Back in "the day" was before my day. The Letort is fishing very well today when compared to 10 or even 20 years ago. It is never or seldom a very easy stream to fish, but if you don't do well, it's your fault and not the fishes. They're there!
steve98 wrote:
want to fish THE LETORT just so I can say I did!
Went on a web site by someone who claims to be an expert on the Letort.

I wonder who that could be....I bet it begins with a Gene and ends with a Macri. :-D
Maurice wrote:
steve98 wrote:
want to fish THE LETORT just so I can say I did!
Went on a web site by someone who claims to be an expert on the Letort.

I wonder who that could be....I bet it begins with a Gene and ends with a Macri. :-D

That was my guess as well.